Mithras sodalis : mitrei in edifici collegiali ostiensi
Battisti, Martina
Mithrea of Ostia have been objects of study on several occasions. A close analysis of the urban topography shows the dynamics of settlement that links these sacral buildings at the corpora or collegia activities. Traditionally we can ascribe a mithraeum to a corpus, as in the case of Fructosus’ mithraeum and the corpus stuppatorum. Otherwise the exam of urban context and the plans of buildings with Mithras’ temple, can help us to understand the relationship between Mithras cult and the collegia. In this essay we will analyses also the mithraeum of Felicissimus, the mithraeum near Porta Romana and the mithraeum of Aldobrandini, in order to reshape the role of this cult in the world of ostian association and in the urban landscape of the colony.
EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste
Martina Battisti, "Mithras sodalis : mitrei in edifici collegiali ostiensi" in: "Sacrum facere. Atti del VI Seminario di Archeologia del Sacro. Forme associative e pratiche rituali nel mondo antico. Trieste, 24-25 maggio 2019", Trieste, EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2021, pp. 303-320
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