Maritime cultural traditions and transitions in the Red Sea
Zazzaro, Chiara
The Red Sea is a very diversified maritime cultural space, main differences are among the northern and the southern part of this sea. Maritime cultural variations are seen particularly in the different systems of adaptation to the various environments: in the type of settlements, boat construction and navigation techniques.
Being located in between two wide and important maritime cultural areas — the Mediterranean and the Indian Ocean — maritime traditions in the Red Sea have been strongly influenced or modified by other maritime cultures. Changes are particularly evident in boat technology: in the transitions from one technique of boat construction to another, from one system of propulsion to another, from the use of certain materials of construction to others, or in the adoption of new hull shapes and new decorative elements.
The identification of elements of continuity and tradition in the various expressions of maritime culture in the Red Sea, and particularly in boat technology, is crucial to understand these transitional elements.
EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste
Chiara Zazzaro, "Maritime cultural traditions and transitions in the Red Sea", in: "Cultural and Linguistic Transition explored. Proceedings of the ATrA closing workshop Trieste, May 25-26, 2016", Ilaria Micheli (ed.), Trieste, EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2017, pp. 131-146