Fondazione dell’etica: un ossimoro? Per un’etica dell’opacità
Bonito Oliva, Rossella
This essay questions itself on the possibility of a foundation of ethic beginning from the
work of two authors -Aristotle and Hegel-, who prefer to investigate the tie between ethic
and athropology, rather than focusing on the metaphisical aspect of the subject. While acknowledging
the status of ethics as linked, and indipendent at the same time, to politics
and moral, Aristotle and Hegel considering the specificity of actions moved by a particular
purpose, place on the foreground the “second nature”, the habits and customs as the first
line of ethics. As the etymology of ethos − from oikos, ‘house’ − suggests, the study of ethics
cannot ignore the inborn tendency of mankind to feel at home. In this context, more than
on a foundation in a metaphysical sense, the focus is set on the ground where the structures
of anthropogenesis are rooted: a never ending process, always moving and at risk in relation
to the prevailing of stasis or mobility, of fear or creativity, in a game where the “human”
itself is in danger. The possibility of “being otherwise” of freedom is preserved by the vitality
of this cure of ethics as a cure of the human itself.
Etica & Politica / Ethics & Politics
XI (2009) 2
EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste
Rossella Bonito Oliva, "Fondazione dell’etica: un ossimoro? Per un’etica dell’opacità", in: Etica & Politica / Ethics & Politics, XI (2009) 2, pp. 209-225.