Euthanasia: Some Critical Remarks
Ayodele, Adejumobi Olatidoye
Euthanasia is generally regarded as killing in order to put an end to the unrelieved pain
and suffering of a patient. Most terminal diseases are often associated with unrelieved pain
and suffering, as a result advocates of euthanasia have argued for the legalization of
euthanasia on the ground of compassion for the patients’ suffering. However advancement
in medicine has made it possible for modern medicine to reduce pain and suffering to the
barest minimum. The questions that arise from this are, given the advancement in
medicine; is there any necessity for euthanasia? Is the relief of pain the same as the relief of
suffering? Do the physiological treatment of pain and its symptoms treat the psychological
and emotional effect of pain and suffering? This paper shall attempt to answer these
questions and argue that though issues and fears raised by the anti-euthanasia movements
are very legitimate, the problems are resolvable by a well regulated medical system. I will
attempt to explain what a well regulated system entails and how it can take care of the
concerns of the anti euthanasia movement.
Etica & Politica / Ethics & Politics
XI (2009) 1
EUT Edizioni UniversitĂ di Trieste
Adejumobi Olatidoye Ayodele, "Euthanasia: Some Critical Remarks", in: Etica & Politica / Ethics & Politics, XI (2009) 1, pp. 441-454.