Historical GIS and drone mapping for cultural heritage within a former Bourbon minor site. The case study of Torcino and Mastrati (Caserta, Southern Italy)
Mauro, G.
Pignatelli Spinazzola, G.
De Simone, C. S.
At the beginning of XVIII century, the label Royal Sites was used to point out the areas owned by the Royal house of Bourbon in the kingdom of Naples (Southern Italy) for hunting, one of the preferred recreation of the king Charles of Bourbon and his son Ferdinand. However, the establishment of these sites was only the first step for a new land management and governance policies in the inlands of the kingdom. Between the 19th and 20th centuries, the Royal Sites lost their relevance and were often abandoned or refunctioned, mainly for historical reasons. This paper is the second step of a previous research, where we defined the key changes in the Torcino and Mastrati Royal Site, a minor site located at the northern border of the former Bourbon kingdom. Using different sources, we highlight how, in just over one hundred and fifty years, this area lost its original function as a hunting reserve and became an agricultural area. The current research aims to detail these changes: we created an Historical GIS (HGIS) with several cartographic sources (ancient official cartography, old aerial photos, a spy satellite image, etc.) to better understand where and how this Royal Site has been modified. Overlaying the maps, we highlighted the effects of different landscape management during the two last centuries. Besides, drone mapping and 3D modelling allowed to virtually recreate the historical buildings of this study area to evaluate the state of preservation of the Royal vestiges
All'inizio del XVIII secolo, il termine l'etichetta Siti Reali fu utilizzata per indicare le aree di proprietà della casa reale borbonica nel regno di Napoli (Italia meridionale) impiegate per la caccia, una delle attività privilegiate dal re Carlo e da suo figlio Ferdinando. Tuttavia, l'istituzione di questi siti fu solo il primo passo per una nuova gestione del territorio e delle politiche di governance nell'entroterra del regno. Tra il XIX e il XX secolo, i siti reali persero la loro importanza e furono spesso abbandonati o rifunzionalizzati, principalmente per ragioni storiche. Il presente lavoro rappresenta la seconda fase di una ricerca precedente, in cui sono stati definiti i principali cambiamenti del Sito Reale di Torcino e Mastrati, un sito minore situato al confine settentrionale dell'ex regno borbonico. Utilizzando fonti di diversa natura, è stato evidenziato come, in poco più di centocinquant'anni, quest'area abbia perso la sua originaria funzione di riserva di caccia per diventare un'area agricola. La ricerca attuale mira a definire in modo più dettagliato questi cambiamenti: è stato creato un historical GIS (HGIS) con diverse fonti cartografiche (cartografia storica, vecchie foto aeree, un'immagine satellitare spia degli anni Settanta, ecc.) per comprendere meglio dove e come questo sito reale sia stato modificato. Sovrapponendo le carte, sono emersi gli effetti delle diverse gestioni del territorio nel corso degli ultimi due secoli. Inoltre, l’acquisizione di dati da drone, la successiva mappatura e la modellazione 3D hanno permesso di ricreare virtualmente gli edifici storici di quest'area di studio per valutare lo stato di conservazione delle vestigia reali.
At the beginning of XVIII century, the label Royal Sites was used to point out the areas owned by the Royal house of Bourbon in the kingdom of Naples (Southern Italy) for hunting, one of the preferred recreation of the king Charles of Bourbon and his son Ferdinand. However, the establishment of these sites was only the first step for a new land management and governance policies in the inlands of the kingdom. Between the 19th and 20th centuries, the Royal Sites lost their relevance and were often abandoned or refunctioned, mainly for historical reasons. This paper is the second step of a previous research, where we defined the key changes in the Torcino and Mastrati Royal Site, a minor site located at the northern border of the former Bourbon kingdom. Using different sources, we highlight how, in just over one hundred and fifty years, this area lost its original function as a hunting reserve and became an agricultural area. The current research aims to detail these changes: we created an Historical GIS (HGIS) with several cartographic sources (ancient official cartography, old aerial photos, a spy satellite image, etc.) to better understand where and how this Royal Site has been modified. Overlaying the maps, we highlighted the effects of different landscape management during the two last centuries. Besides, drone mapping and 3D modelling allowed to virtually recreate the historical buildings of this study area to evaluate the state of preservation of the Royal vestiges
G. Mauro, G. Pignatelli Spinazzola, C.S. De Simone, "Historical GIS and drone mapping for cultural heritage within a former Bourbon minor site. The case study of Torcino and Mastrati (Caserta, Southern Italy)" in: "Bollettino dell'Associazione Italiana di Cartografia 177 (2023)", EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, Trieste, 2023, pp. 27-44
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