L’acqua e la religione come fattori di integrazione
Cipriani, Roberto
The relationship between water and religion is ancient, has deep roots and takes place along routes that seem to be characteristic for every religious expression. We may come to say that water and religion are almost synonymous: both come from the heavens; the one and the other have to do with time. But above all, there are plenty of strictly religious uses of water as an essential component of some ceremonies, such as blessings, consecrations and exorcisms. Water washes, cleans what is unclean, especially sin. Water is life, purification, regeneration. This gives rise to numerous possibilities of development. Immersion in water is a return to the origins, with an outcome that creates strength and purity. A pilgrimage can involve crossing a river, especially near the place of arrival. However, the most difficult problem to solve remains: there is still a wide gap between those who have sufficient water resources and those who have to look for alternative solutions, with huge efforts and poor results.
Rivista di studi sul futuro
e di previsione socialeFuturibili.
Rivista di studi sul futuro
e di previsione sociale
Vol. XXII, n. 1
EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste
Roberto Cipriani, “L’acqua e la religione come fattori di integrazione”, in: “Futuribili.Rivista di studi sul futuro e di previsione sociale”, Vol. XXII, n. 1, 2017, pp. 151-170Roberto Cipriani, “L’acqua e la religione come fattori di integrazione”, in: “Futuribili.Rivista di studi sul futuro e di previsione sociale”, Vol. XXII, n. 1, 2017, pp. 151-170