Publication: Brevi riflessioni in materia di diritto amministrativo dell’energia in Francia e Regno Unito
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EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste
Il rapporto fra energia e diritto amministrativo rappresenta un tema di particolare interesse per il diritto amministrativo comparato. Le prospettive globali in cui questo tema si inquadra – come per altri temi, che spaziano dall’economia al terrorismo, dalle migrazioni ai diritti umani – testimoniano la grande importanza che questa disciplina ha assunto in molti studi a carattere comparativo. Le brevi considerazioni riguardano le esperienze di Francia e Regno Unito.
The relationship between energy and administrative law is a topic of particular interest to Comparative Administrative Law. The global perspectives from which this perspective has been framed - as for other topics, ranging from economy to terrorism, from migration to human rights - testify the great importance that energy and environment assumed for many comparative studies. The brief considerations concern the experiences of France and the United Kingdom.
The relationship between energy and administrative law is a topic of particular interest to Comparative Administrative Law. The global perspectives from which this perspective has been framed - as for other topics, ranging from economy to terrorism, from migration to human rights - testify the great importance that energy and environment assumed for many comparative studies. The brief considerations concern the experiences of France and the United Kingdom.
ambiente, energia, diritto amministrativo, Environment, Energy, Administrative Law
Roberto Scarciglia, "Brevi riflessioni in materia di diritto amministrativo dell’energia in Francia e Regno Unito", in: Giorgio Osti, Luigi Pellizzoni (a cura di), “Energia e innovazione tra flussi globali e circuiti locali”, Trieste, EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2018, pp. 211-223