L’Unione Europea e il vicinato meridionale tra vecchie e nuove sfide alla sicurezza comune: come cambiano gli scenari della cooperazione
The European Union and the Southern Neighbourhood between new and old challenges to security: changing scenarios of cooperation
Panebianco, Stefania
In order to trace the regional cooperation processes in the last 30 years, namely the Barcelona Process, the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) and the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) this paper identifies the dynamics that have characterized security cooperation in the Mediterranean. In particular, with the revision of the ENP, in 2015, and with the adoption of the New Agenda for the Mediterranean in 2021, new cooperation fields have been identified whose contents and priorities, i.e. green and digital transition, cli mate resilience, migration and mobility, alongside traditional cooperation goals such as rule of law, peace and security, face new regional and global challenges. These are pivotal issues in the current development of Euro-Mediterranean relations and are translated into bilateral instruments of the European Union (EU) cooperation with the Southern neighbourhood countries. Reviewing fields of cooperation and policy instru ments adopted at ENP level, the paper seeks to illustrate the change of the security agenda considering the third partners tendency to exercise a specific agency role. The analysis is strongly critical and considers that, despite the ambitious projects identified in the EU documents, the EU often acts as an ’organized hypocrisy’, whose talk and action are not consistent. The EU thus prefers to cooperate with illiberal political leaders to guarantee regional stability sacrificing democratic principles and norms that it assumes as key cooperation aspects in external action. This translates into a selective issue-based cooperation approach that prioritize questions such as migration.
Ricostruendo i processi di cooperazione regionale degli ultimi 30 anni - Processo di Barcellona, Unione per il Mediterraneo e Politica Europea per il Vicinato più volte rinnovata – questo saggio intende de lineare le dinamiche che si sono sviluppate in materia di sicurezza nel Mediterraneo. In particola re, con la revisione della Politica europea di vicinato, nel 2015, e con l’adozione della Nuova Agenda Europea per il Mediterraneo del 2021, si identificano nuovi ambiti di cooperazione i cui contenuti e le cui priorità –transizione verde e digitale, resilienza climatica, migrazione e mobilità – oltre ai tradi zionali obiettivi quali stato di diritto, pace e sicurezza, rispondono alle nuove sfide globali e regionali. Tali temi sono centrali nell’attuale sviluppo delle relazioni euromediterranee e si possono declina re negli strumenti bilaterali delle relazioni tra Unione Europea (UE) e paesi del vicinato meridionale (PVM). Passando in rassegna gli ambiti della cooperazione e gli strumenti di policy adottati a livello di vicinato meridionale si intende spiegare come cambiano i temi nell’agenda della cooperazione alla luce di situazioni contingenti che vedono i paesi partners esercitare un ruolo di agency molto preciso. L’analisi è complessivamente critica e considera l’Unione, nonostante gli ambiziosi progetti identi ficati nei documenti adottati, una ‘ipocrisia organizzata’ le cui azioni non conseguono dai propositi dichiarati.Così accade che essa preferisca cooperare con leaders politici illiberali per garantire la sta bilità regionale anche a costo di sacrificare i valori e principi democratici che professa come elementi cardine della cooperazione. Di fatto, questo si traduce in una cooperazione selettiva issue-based, basata su specifiche questioni regionali che l’UE considerata prioritarie, come quella migratoria.
In order to trace the regional cooperation processes in the last 30 years, namely the Barcelona Process, the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) and the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) this paper identifies the dynamics that have characterized security cooperation in the Mediterranean. In particular, with the revision of the ENP, in 2015, and with the adoption of the New Agenda for the Mediterranean in 2021, new cooperation fields have been identified whose contents and priorities, i.e. green and digital transition, cli mate resilience, migration and mobility, alongside traditional cooperation goals such as rule of law, peace and security, face new regional and global challenges. These are pivotal issues in the current development of Euro-Mediterranean relations and are translated into bilateral instruments of the European Union (EU) cooperation with the Southern neighbourhood countries. Reviewing fields of cooperation and policy instru ments adopted at ENP level, the paper seeks to illustrate the change of the security agenda considering the third partners tendency to exercise a specific agency role. The analysis is strongly critical and considers that, despite the ambitious projects identified in the EU documents, the EU often acts as an ’organized hypocrisy’, whose talk and action are not consistent. The EU thus prefers to cooperate with illiberal political leaders to guarantee regional stability sacrificing democratic principles and norms that it assumes as key cooperation aspects in external action. This translates into a selective issue-based cooperation approach that prioritize questions such as migration.
Stefania Panebianco, "L’Unione Europea e il vicinato meridionale tra vecchie e nuove sfide alla sicurezza comune: come cambiano gli scenari della cooperazione" in: "Poliarchie/Polyarchies volume 6 n. 2/2023 ", EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, Trieste, 2023, pp. 230-251