1924-2024 Un secolo di storia dell’Università degli Studi di Trieste attraverso immagini e documenti
The University of Trieste 1924-2024: A Hundred Years of History Through Images and Documents
Editor(s) •
Università degli Studi di Trieste
This volume is a three-stage journey through the history of the University of Trieste, carefully retraced using a selection of authentic documents and images. It begins with the opening of the Revoltella School, its fledgling institution, and concludes at the start of the 1940-41 academic year. In fact, the rhetoric surrounding the Julian people’s long-term dream of having their own university, an aspiration opposed by Austro-Hungary and realised by the Kingdom of Italy, was a common thread that characterised the first period in the University’s history and one that would also be revisited when the first stone of the new university was laid in 1938. The second part of the book covers the period between the outbreak of the Second World War and the end of the 1950s. It dedicates lots of space to the years in which Trieste, detached from the rest of Italy, was administered by the Allied Military Government. In this phase the Julian University was one of the main champions of the Italian identity of the local area and, in correspondence from its sister universities, was frequently referred to as being “dear to the heart of the Italians”. The third part is devoted to the years of the economic boom, which marked the start of the gradual transformation of the University. The Physics Institute became a spearhead of important initiatives that would see Trieste cement itself as a world leading science hub. At the same time, the protests of 1968 involved local university students, giving rise to a long period of rights demonstrations and occupations. In this period the University forged scientific collaboration agreements with different countries while the campus continues to expand and modernize, establishing itself as an important player in the construction of “Trieste city of science”.
Questo volume è un viaggio per documenti e immagini nella storia dell’Ateneo triestino, che prende avvio dalla Scuola Revoltella, suo nucleo d’origine. La retorica della secolare aspirazione dei giuliani all’università, osteggiata dall’Austria-Ungheria e realizzata dal Regno d’Italia, è un Leitmotiv che attraversa tutta la prima fase di vita dell’Ateneo e verrà riproposta anche in occasione della posa della prima pietra del nuovo edificio universitario nel 1938. La seconda parte del volume copre il periodo che va dallo scoppio della Seconda guerra mondiale alla fine degli anni Cinquanta, dedicando ampio spazio agli anni in cui la città di Trieste, staccata dal resto del Paese, viene amministrata da un Governo militare alleato. In quella fase l’Università giuliana costituisce uno dei principali punti di riferimento dell’identità nazionale italiana a livello locale guadagnandosi l’appellativo, ricorrente nella corrispondenza proveniente dalle Università consorelle, di “cara al cuore degli italiani”. A partire dagli anni del “boom economico” documentato nella terza parte del volume, l’Ateneo è investito da un graduale processo di trasformazione. L’Istituto di Fisica diviene il propulsore di importanti iniziative che porteranno Trieste a diventare un polo scientifico d’eccellenza a livello mondiale. Al tempo stesso, le contestazioni del ’68 coinvolgono gli universitari locali, dando luogo a una lunga stagione di rivendicazioni e occupazioni. In questo periodo l’Ateneo stringe accordi di collaborazione scientifica con diversi paesi, mentre la città universitaria prosegue la sua espansione all’insegna della modernità, configurandosi, negli anni più recenti, come un importante tassello nella costruzione di “Trieste città della scienza”.
This volume is a three-stage journey through the history of the University of Trieste, carefully retraced using a selection of authentic documents and images. It begins with the opening of the Revoltella School, its fledgling institution, and concludes at the start of the 1940-41 academic year. In fact, the rhetoric surrounding the Julian people’s long-term dream of having their own university, an aspiration opposed by Austro-Hungary and realised by the Kingdom of Italy, was a common thread that characterised the first period in the University’s history and one that would also be revisited when the first stone of the new university was laid in 1938. The second part of the book covers the period between the outbreak of the Second World War and the end of the 1950s. It dedicates lots of space to the years in which Trieste, detached from the rest of Italy, was administered by the Allied Military Government. In this phase the Julian University was one of the main champions of the Italian identity of the local area and, in correspondence from its sister universities, was frequently referred to as being “dear to the heart of the Italians”. The third part is devoted to the years of the economic boom, which marked the start of the gradual transformation of the University. The Physics Institute became a spearhead of important initiatives that would see Trieste cement itself as a world leading science hub. At the same time, the protests of 1968 involved local university students, giving rise to a long period of rights demonstrations and occupations. In this period the University forged scientific collaboration agreements with different countries while the campus continues to expand and modernize, establishing itself as an important player in the construction of “Trieste city of science”.
Tullia Catalan, Lorenzo Ielen (a cura di / eds.), "1924-2024 : Un secolo di storia dell’Università degli Studi di Trieste attraverso immagini e documenti = The University of Trieste 1924-2024 : A Hundred Years of History Through Images and Documents", Trieste, EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2024, pp. 409, ill., 24x21 cm
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