Interpreter preparation in the interpreting classroom environment. A study on the usefulness of terminological glossaries

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EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste
Research Projects
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This paper explores the perception held by 135 students from two Spanish universities in their third, fourth and fifth years of study, on the conceptualisation, preparation and use of terminology glossaries. Respondents answered a series of questions about their experiences in preparing and using glossaries in their translation and interpreting courses. The methodology consisted of a questionnaire divided into four blocks of open- and closed-ended questions, aimed at identifying the use of glossaries in the interpreting classroom, to define their content and structure, as well as the importance students attach to this tool. The data obtained revealed that while glossaries are regularly addressed in translation, interpreting, documentation and terminology courses, students fail to perceive the full potential of this tool as a way of collecting the information necessary to understand the context in which the interpretation is to take place.
Glossary, interpreting, interpreter training, preparation for interpretation assignments, terminology
Beneharo Álvarez-Pérez, Jessica Pérez-Luzardo Díaz, "Interpreter preparation in the interpreting classroom environment. A study on the usefulness of terminological glossaries" in: "The Interpreters' Newsletter n. 27 - 2022", EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, Trieste, 2022, pp. 129-146