Il Portfolio Europeo delle Lingue nell'Università italiana: studenti e autonomia
Gori, Federica
The “European Language Portfolio” (ELP), designed by the Council of Europe to promote the multi-lingual and multicultural dimension of each European citizen, provides a detailed description of language and communication skills based on the levels of the “Common European Framework” and represents at the same time for the student a valuable guide to self-evaluation. The contributions collected in the publication and presented at the Seminar of the Italian Association of Language Linguistic Centers on ELP (organized by the University Linguistic Center of the University of Trieste in October 2007) range from changing perspectives in the teacher's assessment in search of continuity between school and university; From specialist languages to “Teacher Training”, as well as to the relationship between evaluation and self-evaluation within the Portfolio. The issue of student autonomy in language learning plays a central role throughout the volume.
EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste
Federica Gori (a cura di), "Il Portfolio Europeo delle Lingue nell'Università italiana: studenti e autonomia", Trieste, EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2009, pp. 140.