Vuoti urbani contesi. Il caso dell’area ex officine FS (Napoli Est)
Conflicting destinations of urban voids. The case of the former “Officine FS” (Eastern Naples)
Corbino, Alberto
De Falco, Stefano
Pennacchio, Pasquale
Understanding the commercial dynamics relating to a suburban area cannot ignore a preliminary analysis of the characteristics that distinguish the fabric relating to it, in particular considering the role of space in its process of territorialization. In this sense, the choice of location for shopping centers proves to be an element full of complex implications, sometimes conflicting and with alternating externalities. In this research, besides a characterization of the framework constituting the described phenomenon, the analysis of a case study relating to the eastern suburban area of Naples, where the construction of a new shopping center is imminent, is proposed. Starting from a field experience, by surveying the territorial profiles of the area, the results of a survey of citizens and stakeholders of both the interested area and a generic area used as a control sample are investigated.
La comprensione delle dinamiche commerciali relative ad un’area suburbana non può prescindere da una preliminare analisi delle caratteristiche che contraddistinguono il tessuto ad essa relativo, in particolare considerando il ruolo dello spazio nel suo divenire territorio. In tal senso la scelta insediativa di centri commerciali si rivela elemento ricco di implicazioni complesse, talvolta conflittuali e con esternalità di segno alterno. Nella presente ricerca, oltre ad una caratterizzazione della cornice costituente il fenomeno descritto, viene proposta l’analisi di un caso studio relativo all’area suburbana orientale di Napoli, dove è imminente la realizzazione di un nuovo centro commerciale. A partire da una esperienza sul campo, mediante rilevazione dei profili territoriali dell’area, vengono proposti i risultati di un’indagine su cittadini e stakeholders sia dell’area interessata che di un’area generica impiegata come campione di controllo.
Understanding the commercial dynamics relating to a suburban area cannot ignore a preliminary analysis of the characteristics that distinguish the fabric relating to it, in particular considering the role of space in its process of territorialization. In this sense, the choice of location for shopping centers proves to be an element full of complex implications, sometimes conflicting and with alternating externalities. In this research, besides a characterization of the framework constituting the described phenomenon, the analysis of a case study relating to the eastern suburban area of Naples, where the construction of a new shopping center is imminent, is proposed. Starting from a field experience, by surveying the territorial profiles of the area, the results of a survey of citizens and stakeholders of both the interested area and a generic area used as a control sample are investigated.
Alberto Corbino, Stefano De Falco, Pasquale Pennacchio, "Vuoti urbani contesi. Il caso dell’area ex officine FS (Napoli Est)" in: "Bollettino dell'Associazione Italiana di Cartografia 177 (2023)", EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, Trieste, 2023, pp. 148-173
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