Wall-Layer Modelling of massive separation in Large Eddy Simulation of coastal flows
Fakhari, Ahmad
The subject of modelling flow near wall is still open in turbulent wall bounded flows, since there is no wall layer model which works perfectly. Most of the present models work well in attached flows, specially for very simple geometries like plane channel flows. Weakness of the models appears in complex geometries, and many of them do not capture flow separation accurately in detached flows, specially when the slope of wall changes gradually.
In many engineering applications, we deal with complex geometries. A possible way to simulate flows influenced by complex geometry using a structured grid, is to consider the geometry as immersed boundary for the simulation. Current wall layer models for the immersed boundaries are more complex and less accurate than the body-fitted cases (cases without immersed boundaries).
In this project the accuracy of wall layer model in high Reynolds number flows is targeted, using LES for attached flows as well as detached flows (flows with separation). In addition to the body fitted cases, wall layer model in the presence of immersed boundaries which is treated totally different also regarded. A single solver LES-COAST (IE-Fluids, University of Trieste) is used for the flow simulations, and the aim is to improve wall layer model in the cases with uniform coarse grid.
This is in fact novelty of the thesis to introduce a wall layer model applied on the first off-wall computational node of a uniform coarse grid, and merely use LES on the whole domain. This work for the immersed boundaries is in continuation of the methodology proposed by Roman et al. (2009) in which velocities at the cells next to immersed boundaries are reconstructed analytically from law of the wall.
In body-fitted cases, since smaller Smagorinsky constant is required close to the walls than the other points, wall layer model in dynamic Smagorinsky sub-grid scale model using dynamic k (instead of Von Karman constant) is applied to optimize wall function in separated flows. In the presence of immersed boundaries, the present wall layer model is calibrated, and then improved in attached and also detached flows with two different approaches. The results are also compared to experiment and resolved LES. Consequently the optimized wall layer models show an acceptable accuracy, and are more reliable.
In the last part of this thesis, LES is applied to model the wave and wind driven sea water circulation in Kaneohe bay, which is a bay with a massive coral reef. This is the first time that LES-COAST is applied on a reef-lagoon system which is very challenging since the bathymetry changes very steeply. For example the water depth differs from less than 1 meter over the reef to more than 10 meters in vicinity of the reef, in lagoon. Since a static grid is implemented, the effect of wave is imposed as the velocity of current over the reef, which is used on the boundary of our computational domain. Two eddies Smagorinsky SGS model is used for this simulation.
Università degli studi di Trieste