Legal Corpora: an overview
Pontrandolfo, Gianluca
The present paper is mainly addressed to researchers and/or translators who are daily
confronted with the legal domain in different languages and are willing to approach
legal language through ‘real-life’ examples, to paraphrase McEnery & Wilson’s classical
definition of corpus linguistics (2001: 2). With no claim of being exhaustive, the study
has been devised as a practical guide, a tentative survey of the available corpora for legal
Emphasis has been placed on three main areas, namely, England and Wales, Spain
and Italy, for being the focus of study of an ongoing PhD research project. However,
reference has also been made to legal corpora and subcorpora available outside these
countries, in Europe as well as in the rest of the world.
Primarily conceived as a classical PhD ‘review’ – the crucial step in every research study
in volving a state of the art analysis –, it can be viewed also as a preliminary map for
those who are taking their first steps into the fascinating world of corpus linguistics. The
practical approach is evident from the schematic method adopted: the tables and the
final Appendix are meant to be useful tools for rapid consultation or comparison among
the copious legal corpora listed in the paper.
Rivista Internazionale di Tecnica della Traduzione
EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste
Gianluca Pontrandolfo, Legal Corpora: an overview, in: “Rivista Internazionale di Tecnica della Traduzione”, 14 (2012), pp. 121-136