From Didactas to Ecolingua: an ongoing research project on translation and corpus lingiustics
Editor(s) • • •
Baldry, Anthony
Pavesi, Maria
Taylor Toresello, Carol
Taylor, Christopher
From Didactas to Ecolingua: an ongoing research project on translation and corpus linguistics takes us from the end of the ministry-financed Didactas project in 2005 to its successor Ecolingua. The book contains twelve articles submitted by members of the research group from the universities of Trieste, Padova, Pavia and Pisa. From the title it can be seen that the topics covered belong essentially to the fields of translation, text analysis and corpus linguistics. The contents range from the creation and use of corpora, both written and multimodal, to language teaching methods, to media translation (dubbing and subtitling) and to more purely linguistic matters such as patterns of usage.
EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste
Anthony Baldry, Maria Pavesi, Carol Taylor Toresello, Christopher Taylor (edited by), "From Didactas to Ecolingua: an ongoing research project on translation and corpus lingiustics", Trieste, EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2008, pp. 241.