Zimnij put’ u Puškina. (Nacional’naja priroda kuchnja istorii kak kul’tury)
Ivanickij, Aleksandr
In The Snowstorm, Captain's daughter and Eugene Onegin (chapter V,
The dream of Tatyana) Pushkin's heroes of adventurous or sentimental
novels are becoming partly fairy tales heroes and their roads in lives are
receiving national and historical meaning.
First, the adventurous way for the hero is laid by the fairy nature. Acting
like a storm reforming the world, nature is continued in history (the
1812 war), or tallies with history (Pugachev's rebellion). The storm joins
adventure and service giving the meaning of courtesy to service. Pushing
the hero to the adventurous way, the storm takes him to the choice of a
bride. Being continued in history (or becoming history), the storm lays
for him the way of service as the way of getting a bride.
Nature, while becoming the contest of the life of heroine's soul, presents
itself like a family's (national) soil. The tie with soil ("nationality") is realized
and harmonized by reading novels, e.g. of universal culture.
Slavica Tergestina
Università degli Studi di Trieste – Scuola Superiore di Lingue Moderne per Interpreti e Traduttori