Osservazioni su ontologia e conoscenza
Negro, Matteo
This paper intends to focus on some ontological and epistemological issues treated in Francesco Totaro’s book. In particular, Totaro’s criticism of “new realism”, which in our opinion is likely to turn into its opposite. In fact even in Totaro’s view we notice a gap between the sphere of being and and the sphere of existence. Whereas Ferraris conceives facts without any determination of being, reducing them to a kind of transcendental, Totaro seems to conceive the fact, the contradictory, or the conditional separately from transcendental being. However, what such approaches alternatively deny or exclude, namely transcendental being (Ferraris) and the transcendental fact (Totaro) should be in our view reassembled and a considered as a transcendental and convertible whole of being and thing. Secondly, if being, as claimed by Totaro, there appears prospectively, and if the ought of objects is never noncontradictorily given, then the finalizing and essentializing role of praxis is largely justified: praxis is not mere functional operationality, but it acts as an ontological and teleological filling.
Etica & Politica / Ethics & Politics
XVI (2014) 1
EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste
Matteo Negro, "Osservazioni su ontologia e conoscenza", in: Etica & Politica / Ethics & Politics, XVI (2014) 1, pp. 617-626