The role of cultural heritage for the sustainable development of the Danube Region, Gorizia 14th-23rd March 2015

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Fermeglia Maurizio


Sartori Roberto


Sekeruš Pavle


Dogo Marco

War, colonization and trade in the Danube basin in the modern era: some sustainability-related issues

Winiwarter Verena

The role of cultural heritage for the sustainable development of the Danube Region

Radišić Mladen, Hiršenberger Helena

Building project ideas during the DIAnet International School

Barberis Rami Matías Ezequiel, Berić Dejan, Mátai Anikó, Opriş Lavinia-Ioana, Ricci Giulia, Rustja Dritan

Tisza, Transmission and Innovation: An Innovative Bottom-up Model for Transmission and Promotion of Tisza Cultural Heritage

Falchi Laura, Habibi Shahryar, Markelj Miha, Szabad Boglárka, Zuena Martina

Interactive Learning Method of Cultural Heritage for Europeanization in the Danube Region – ILMECH

Ádám János Imre, Cerovac Ivan, Gajinov Tamara, Kalina Veronika, Paris Laura, Zwitter Žiga

Science cafés for a sustainable future. Transdisciplinary communication to understand the impacts of climate change on cultural heritage in the Danube River Basin

Codromaz Federica, Constantin Anita, Jakominić Marot Nataša, Jovičić Ana, Nádasy László Zoltán, Vitas Igor

ArchaeoGates Danube River Submerged Heritage Scanning and Data-base

Hrubalová Lucia, Innocenti Dario, Kopliku Bresena, Lončar Sanja, Potra Alexandra-Camelia, Valánszki István

Valorization of Wood Cultural Heritage (WCH) for Sustainable Future in Danube Region

Árgyelán Tímea, Beccalli Chiara, Bertuzzi Stefano, Gueorguiev Tzvetelin, Szalánczi József Krisztián, Ternényová Viola||Tralić Dijana

Former Socialist Countries Open their Past to Europe (SCOPE)

Montagnari Kokelj Manuela


Brumat Stefano

Concluding remarks on the DIAnet International School project


The 2015 DIAnet International School (DIS) was the last of three editions and was held in Gorizia (Italy) in March 2015. The project cycle of the DIAnet schools on sustainable development in the Danube Region has finally concluded with this edition on the “Role of Cultural Heritage”, a thematic issue which has been addressed with an interdisciplinary approach. Ten countries of the Danube region were represented by 39 participants from 16 Universities. During the School, training was ensured through a blend of lectures, excursions and project group work. The Welcome Ceremony opened with the address by the Rector of the University of Trieste, followed by the Deputy-Mayor of Gorizia. These Proceedings include the presentations on “War, colonization and trade in the Danube Basin in the modern era: some sustainabilityrelated issues” by Prof. Marco Dogo, the School Director, and “The Role of Cultural Heritage in the Danube River Basin” by Prof. Verena Winiwarter, the Danube:Future Project Coordinator. Six project ideas were drafted by the School participants with the assistance of two facilitators from the University of Novi Sad, the leading partner. A final evaluation of the event by Prof. Manuela Montagnari, the School Deputy-Director, can be found at the end of this book as well as some final considerations concerning the results and achievements of the three-year project. The DIAnet International School is part of the Capacity Building Module of Danube:Future – A sustainable future for the Danube River Basin as a challenge for interdisciplinary humanities, a Flagship project of EUSDR PA7 – Knowledge Society.

Stefano Brumat He is the Project Administrator of the Danube:Future project and organizer of the DIAnet International Schools. Since 2009, he works at the University of Trieste where he currently attends to the development and management of EU-financed regional and transnational projects.


Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 5 of 16
  • Publication
    I veicoli a zero emissioni per il trasporto delle merci: un’innovazione tecnologica nei settori della logistica e trasporti
    Il settore del trasporto merci rappresenta una forza trainante della crescita economica globale, con il trasporto su strada preferito rispetto a tutte le altre modalità. I camion medi e pesanti, pur rappresentando una quota molto limitata dei veicoli su strada, contribuiscono in modo rilevante alle emissioni di CO2 e di inquinanti locali. Il diesel si dimostra, infatti, ancora il vettore energetico più utilizzato e conveniente per gli operatori dei trasporti. Allo scopo di raggiungere gli ambiziosi obiettivi di neutralità climatica, due tecnologie molto promettenti che possono contribuire a decarbonizzare il settore dei trasporti pesanti sono rappresentate dai veicoli elettrici a batterie e da quelli a celle a combustibile a idrogeno. Il saggio confronta le due tecnologie, evidenziando potenzialità e limiti nella loro adozione.
      113  505
  • Publication
    Concluding remarks on the DIAnet International School project
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2015)
    Brumat, Stefano
      838  651
  • Publication
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2015)
    Montagnari Kokelj, Manuela
      574  405
  • Publication
    Former Socialist Countries Open their Past to Europe (SCOPE)
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2015)
    Árgyelán, Tímea
    Beccalli, Chiara
    Bertuzzi, Stefano
    Gueorguiev, Tzvetelin
    Szalánczi, József Krisztián
    Ternényová, Viola
    Tralić, Dijana
    The project “Former Socialist Countries Open their Past to Europe” (SCOPE) focuses on gathering cultural heritage (CH) in the form of documents and personal testimonies from the former socialist countries (FSC) in the Danube Region. The main goals are to create an extensive database (DB) of the publicly available and newly collected documents, and to develop a user-friendly application for data search and analysis. The collection of available documents will be examined by group of historians to select significant CH movements on a specific geographical area. Innovative tools, SCOPE website and application, will provide effective research and analysis of documents in a new, standardized database. SCOPE tools allow quick searching of all available documents using keywords or phrases; classification of results according to geographical position/ dates/types/historical impact; and graphical illustration of activities against the socialist/communist regimes through the defined period of time. The novelty of the project is the use of the ‘citizen science’ approach to acquire personal testimonies of cultural opposition movements during the communist period through SCOPE tools. An interactive part of SCOPE application will collect users’ feedback in order to analyze if the documents serve the purpose of awareness raising on the anti-communist past among EU citizens.
      1178  1068
  • Publication
    Valorization of Wood Cultural Heritage (WCH) for Sustainable Future in Danube Region
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2015)
    Hrubalová, Lucia
    Innocenti, Dario
    Kopliku, Bresena
    Lončar, Sanja
    Potra, Alexandra-Camelia
    Valánszki, István
    Rural areas in the Danube Region face economic, societal, cultural and environmental challenges. They are rich in diverse cultural heritage which is often neglected and not taken into consideration as a potential resource for development. Wood resources form an integral part of tangible and intangible cultural heritage. As an environmentally friendly material, wood can play an important role in sustainable development. Valorization of wood traditions according to present needs may help to mitigate and overcome problems of rural areas. The general objective of the project is the sustainable rural development through valorization of wood cultural heritage. Wood cultural heritage may be seen as an asset to enhance economic development in rural areas. Transfer of knowledge on wood cultural heritage and its importance will improve the social relations in local communities and raise awareness on environmental issues.
      1185  803