Publication: Didattica della traduzione e ricerca terminologica: il glossario come valido strumento
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EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste
In this paper, we will discuss the benefits of applying a thorough terminological
research approach to translation and interpreting lessons in undergraduate
courses for interpreters and translators. The idea was born after and thanks to the
cooperation of TermCoord, the terminology unit of the European Union, which
has recently developed collaboration projects with universities to improve and
update their terminology database. This cooperation confirmed what we had already
experienced in our courses. As professors at a university for interpreters
and translators, we were able to identify some specific needs and weaknesses
of the young students and this led us to use glossaries as a means to improve
their language knowledge and technical skills. We realised that it is very useful
to teach the students a correct terminological approach and make them prepare
glossaries themselves.
We will first briefly introduce some theoretical approaches in the field of terminology,
then show how to apply them though practical examples taken from
real texts and glossaries we use and prepare during our lessons, with concrete
suggestions to adopt in translation courses.
ricerca terminologica, traduzione, interpretazione, glossario, didattica della traduzione
Claudia Caburlotto, Serena Cecco, "Didattica della traduzione e ricerca terminologica: il glossario come valido strumento", in: "Rivista internazionale di tecnica della traduzione = International Journal of Translation n.16 - 2014", EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, Trieste, pp. 35-56