Da neofita a esperto: formazione e competenza professionale in interpretazione simultanea
Riccardi, Alessandra
The first part of this paper describes fundamental knowledge for the study of
conference interpreting stressing the role played by declarative and procedural
knowledge for acquiring simultaneous interpreting skills. Knowledge reorganization,
both at linguistic and encyclopaedic level, is paramount for acquiring
strategic behaviour leading to suitable solutions in the translation process from
the original speech to the target speech. Fast reaction times, control over monitoring
and décalage, reformulation and restructuring of the source language,
natural prosody, are all elements reflecting the use of strategic behaviour aimed
at optimising resources while interpreting simultaneously. The efficient application
of a well-developed array of strategies provides for a well-balanced allocation
of cognitive resources. Interpreters’ and students’ performances differ in
the extent to which strategies are applied. Once the basic technique and skills of
simultaneous interpreting have been acquired, there is another component essential
for becoming an expert and acquiring the status of a professional within
the community in question. Interpreting competence alone is not sufficient. It
has to be augmented by the social aspect of participating in the relevant professional
Rivista internazionale di tecnica della traduzione = International Journal of Translation
EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste
Alessandra Riccardi, "Da neofita a esperto: formazione e competenza professionale in interpretazione simultanea", in: "Rivista internazionale di tecnica della traduzione = International Journal of Translation n.16 - 2014", EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, Trieste, pp. 177-188