TSPC2015: Proceedings of the Trieste Symposium on Perception and Cognition, November 13rd 2015
Bernardis, Paolo
Fantoni, Carlo
Gerbino, Walter
This book of proceedings collects the abstracts of talks and posters presented at the Trieste
Symposium on Perception and Cognition 2015, organized by the Psychology Unit of the
Department of Life Sciences, University of Trieste, and held at campus on the 13th of November.
It opens with the abstracts of four talks presented at the workshop on "Visual Context and Lightness Perception", featuring key speakers who have recently provided notable theoretical and empirical insights into the field of lightness perception.
In particular, talks 1 and 3 discussed intriguing demonstrations of how lightness can be affected by
visual context, in the form of illusory surfaces (talk 1) and luminance gradient (talk 3), even when
unnoticeable. Talks 2 and 4 presented theoretical models that account for some effects of visual
context on lightness from different perspectives (neural networks in talk 2 and computational
modeling in talk 4). The second part of the volume collects abstracts of talks and posters presented
at regular oral and poster sessions.
Each abstract published in the proceedings has been evaluated by an anonymous expert reviewer
and by the organizers. The list of anonymous reviewers who supported the editorial process is
reported in the next section.
More than 50 active participants gathered at TSPC2015, coming from Italy and other European
countries (Serbia 8. Croatia 2, USA 1, Switzerland 2, Germany 2, Greece 1, Czech 1. United
Kingdom 1). It featured 11 talks and 45 posters. The book of proceedings includes written reports
of all talks, and 44 out of 45 posters. Several areas of cognitive science were covered, including:
perception (talks 5, 8, 9, 10, 11: posters 8, 11, 29, 32, 35, 36, 37; satellite symposium 1, 2, 3, 4);
action and perception (talk 6; posters 23, 34. 41); attention (talk 10; posters 15, 33); memory
(posters 13, 17). learning (talk 3; poster 20); development (posters 16, 17); language (poster 3);
problem solving and reasoning (poster 40, 42); personality (posters 14, 26); decision-making
(talks 3, 6: poster 21); concepts and categorization (talks t; poster 43); social cognition (talk 1;
posters 9. 30, 38); animal cognition (posters 4. 5, 7, 25); neuropsychology and rehabilitation
(posters 22, 27); developmental disorders (posters 1, 2, 19, 24); e-health (poster 31, 39);
behavioural disorders (poster 3); executive processes: monitoring, inhibitory control (talks 2, 4;
posters 18, 44); cognitive dysfunctions (poster 28). In terms of disciplines, contributions included
modelling, behavioral experiments with adults and children, cognitive neuroscience, linguistics,
philosophy, and ophthalmology.