Esercizi Filosofici 10, 1 (2015)


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  • Publication
    Esercizi filosofici 10, 1 (2015)
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2016-01-08)
      723  3703
  • Publication
    Accidente e plasticità. Pensare filosoficamente l’invecchiamento
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2016-01-07)
    Isetta, Giovanni
    Abstract: The rethinking of the concept of plasticity by French philosopher Catherine Malabou requires a revision of' the matter of the accident. Thanks to a unique mixture of Philosophy, Neuroscience, and Psychoanalysis and through the study of new forms of contemporary traumatisms. Malabou was able to unveil an original perspective on the accident. Within this paper I will focus on this concept in the attempt of showing how this new characterization of the accident will lead the fundamental philosophical foundations (accident, destruction, metamorphosis) to reconsider the contemporary form of old age.
      1054  1404
  • Publication
    Some Replies to Questions Posed by Students
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2016-01-07)
    Parrini, Paolo
    Answering to the questions posed by students, I clarify my position on four main topics: (i) the pragmatic maxim; (ii) the relation between my conception of truth on one hand, and epistemic conceptions of truth and the idea of the convergence of our cognitive efforts on the other; (iii) the skeptical challenge; (iv) the relationship between science and philosophy.
      790  806
  • Publication
    Some Replies to Remarks and Queries by Professor Parrini, Students and Members of the Audience
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2016-01-07)
    Westphal, Kenneth R.
    Concise replies to remarks and queries by Paolo Parrini, and by students andmembers of the audience regarding the topics indicated by the above mentioned keywords.
      1005  716
  • Publication
    Empirical Realism Without Transcendental Idealism. Comment on Kenneth R. Westphal
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2016-01-07)
    Parrini, Paolo
    In dialogue with Kenneth R. Westphal’s position on realism and skepticism I defend an empirical realism which in a positive (though not positivistic) perspective rejects the transcendental components of Kant’s empirical realism. The central ideas of the empirical realism I support are the characterizations of reality and truth as regulative ideals and of knowledge as unifying activity. I justify my conception by a conceptual and pragmatic analysis of the main relevant epistemological notions.
      761  1021