Rethinking Lavoix's Attribution of the Dinar dated 210 AH/AD 825-826
Atef Mansour, M. Ramadan
The paper aims at reconsidering a dinar attributed to the 'Abbasid caliph al-
Ma’rnun (198-218 AH/AD 813-833), first published in 1887 by the French
scholar H. Lavoix. Later on, this attribution was repeated, without questioning, by a number of scholars despite the fact that - at the beginning of the 20th
century - the Sicilian numismatist B. Lagumina had noticed that the legends
on the gold specimen in the BnF's coin cabinet were comparable to the silver
issues of the revolt leader Mansur b. Nasr al-Tunbudr. The author of this contribution proves, using historical sources and through a close scrutiny of the
known specimens, both in gold and silver, that the dinar catalogued by Lavoix
is a gold issue minted in al-Qayrawan by Mansar b. Nasr al-Tunbudr and that
it cannot be considered, as previously believed, as an Abbasid dinar.
EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste
EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste
M. Ramadan Atef Mansour, "Rethinking Lavoix's Attribution of the Dinar dated 210 AH/AD 825-826" in Bruno Callegher and Arianna D'Ottone (eds.), "The 4th Simone Assemani symposium on Islamic coins", Trieste, 26/27 September 2014, Trieste, EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2015. (Polymnia : numismatica antica e medievale. Studi, 9), pp.131-137