Publication: Le lettere di Francesco Algarotti al cardinale Angelo Maria Querini e la costruzione della chiesa di Sant’Edvige a Berlino
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EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste
The article publishes 15 letters, of which only one was well known in the 18th century. The rest have remained
unknown to the wider public until now. This collection is preserved in the Library Queriniana of Brescia. Most
of the letters (written between January 6, 1748 to 4 March 1753) were sent from Prussia. The recipient of the letters
was Cardinal Angelo Maria Querini (1680-1755), Archbishop of Brescia since 1727, a patron and scholar,
and a man with political aspirations. Venetian Francesco Algarotti (1712 - 1764), in the course of his life, was
not only a writer and the conesseur of art. He also served two foreign sovereigns: Frederick II of Prussia and
Augustus III, the King of Poland and Elector of Saxony. In this case the main theme of his correspondence
was the construction of a Catholic church in Berlin and its financing. Behind the decision to build the Berlin
Church of St. Hedwig were political events. The first letter of the collection dates back to 1747, two years after
the Treaty of Dresden. This church, until today, was part of a large complex called Forum Federicianum. King
Frederick II created the first sketches of projects. The main source of inspiration for the architectural form
was the Roman Pantheon. The building plans were drawn up by the court architect Georg von Knobelsdorff
Venzlaus (1699-1753) in collaboration with the architect and engraver Jean Laurent Legeay (1710-1786).
Agnese Pudlis, "Le lettere di Francesco Algarotti al cardinale Angelo Maria Querini e la costruzione della chiesa di Sant’Edvige a Berlino", in: AFAT 33, EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2014, pp. 83-96