Mercato del lavoro, disoccupazione e riforme strutturali in Italia


Il volume raccoglie un insieme di contributi scientifici attorno ad alcuni temi centrali della ricerca economica e della politica economica in Italia. Il libro è dedicato al prof. Fabio Neri, ordinario di Politica Economica del DEAMS, scomparso nel 2015. La sua attività scientifica si è incentrata in grande misura sulle tematiche del mercato del lavoro e delle economie locali. Il DEAMS e, in particolare, i suoi allievi, lo vogliono ricordare con un libro che raccoglie i risultati delle loro ricerche recenti e alcuni contributi di colleghi di altre Università italiane che intervengono sui temi centrali del dibattito economico attuale.


Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 5 of 13
  • Publication
    Gli impatti del collasso del commercio mondiale del 2009 sul sistema portuale del Friuli Venezia Giulia
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2016)
    Gregori, Tullio
    Danielis, Romeo
    The world trade reduction occurred in the period 2008-09 is known in the literature as "the great trade collapse". The aim of this work is to analyze how such a collapse has modified the trade relationships between Italy and the Rest of the World and, consequently, the transport flows at the regional level. At national level, the data on value added show, in fact, a strong decrease in the air transport and maritime sector relative to land transport. It is consequently interesting verify if and how this shock has impacted the maritime-port system of Friuli Venezia Giulia Region. The analysis is carried out using two distinct data sources: the traffic flows of the Port of Trieste and the value added and production estimates at the regional level estimated via input-output models. The traffic indicators show a fall, in the years 2008-2009, by 8% in terms of tonnes, by 18% in terms of containers, by 13% in terms of ro-ro ships and by 20% in terms of general cargo. The input-output models estimate an average value added and production reduction equal to 13%. Terminal operators are the ones impacted the most, with a decrease of over 15%, followed by the Freight Forwarders and the Public Agencies. All operators faced a decrease in line with the average decrease, with the exception of the Services of General Interest and Services to Ships, that faced a below average decrease. The 2011 value added and production estimates are still lower than the 2008 ones.
      278  191
  • Publication
    L’analisi di rete per capire il mercato del lavoro. I flussi di assunzione di laureati e dottori di ricerca nel Friuli Venezia Giulia nel periodo 2005-2014
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2016)
    Capellari, Saveria
    Chies, Laura
    De Stefano, Domenico
    Puggioni, Achille
    In this paper we present the results of a network analysis on the mobility of the highly skilled workers in the regional labor market of Friuli Venezia Giulia. We make use of the Social Network Analysis (SNA) methods and of a new dataset on mobility of graduates and PHD’s from the Regional Universities in the period 2005-2013. The new dataset is based on three different sources: the Administrative archives of the three Universities of Friuli Venezia Giulia (graduates and PhD), the Public Labour Agency (individual hiring flows), the Bureau van Dijk (company’s data). The network analysis is performed for the period 2005-2013 and for two sub-periods separately (2005-2008 and 2009-2013) in order to disentangle the possible changes determined by the recent severe economic crisis. Results show that the hiring flows assume a scale-free network configuration, in the overall as well as in the two sub-periods, where the larger and innovative regional firms play a crucial role for the overall connectivity. However, from a micro-level perspective, in the second period emerges an increasing level of homophily, that is the workers’ mobility mostly happen within groups of similar firms (according to our classification of innovative vs traditional firms). Finally, from a methodological point of view, network analysis seems to be a promising approach to better understand labour market structure and dynamics.
      334  456
  • Publication
    Mercato del lavoro e disoccupazione in Pigou
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2016)
    Zenezini, Maurizio
    In his General Theory Keynes describes Pigou’s Theory of Unemployment as a typical example of an economic orthodoxy without vision and incapable of comprehending the social severity of unemployment. In this note I argue that Pigou’s analysis, contrary to Keynes’s view, takes into consideration not only positions of full employment, but also situations of persistent underemployment, not necessarily associated to labour supply factors. Indeed, Pigou’s “classical theory” gives a prominent role to aggregate demand as a cause of mass unemployment, although he had deep-seated reservations about macroeconomic policies as a tool for achieving full employment.
      281  1252
  • Publication
    The Beveridge Curve In and Out (?) of the Recession. A Look at European Institutions
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2016)
    Ruggiero, Nazzareno
    Destefanis, Sergio
    This paper analyses the Beveridge Curve across twelve European countries from 1985 to 2013. We employ some novel measures of employment protection legislation and unemployment benefits, and assess the role of globalisation. Structural relationships seem to be stable throughout the 2008-2013 period, suggesting that the Great Recession mainly implied moves along the Curve, while stronger globalisation shifts the Curve outwards. Among institutional variables we find a significant role for the tax wedge, active labour-market policies, union density and employment protection legislation. Unemployment benefits also matter. The unemployment-vacancies trade-off is improved by a higher net retention rate and more strictness in the benefit provision protocol. Both effects can be rationalised in terms of higher search efficiency.
      339  266
  • Publication
    The impact of the crises on European unemployment and the need for new policies
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2016)
    Marelli, Enrico
    After the 2008-09 global crisis, the recession has been deeper and longer in the EU compared to other areas in the world; even the current recovery is weaker. This problem has particularly concerned the euro area – due to the sovereign debt crisis – and, especially, the peripheral countries. The economic and social impact has been devastating. In some countries unemployment rates have more than doubled, slightly diminishing in the last economic cycle and showing high degrees of persistence; in particular, young people are affected by high unemployment and exclusion from the labor market (NEET). Besides providing new empirical evidence on these phenomena, this chapter focuses on the causes of such negative performance, starting from the EU’s inadequate responses to the double European crisis. Given the collapse of aggregate demand – in particular investment – expansionary macroeconomic policies are needed, going beyond the prevailing austerity approach. While monetary policy has progressively become looser, an adequate fiscal stimulus is still lacking. In addition to an “aggregate demand shock” – for instance a big European investment plan – active labour market policies are required to contrast the unemployment, especially among the youth. Furthermore, some institutional reforms in the governance of the EU are required to make sustainable over time a “genuine” Economic and Monetary Union.
      362  691