03. When West Met East. The Encounter of Greece and Rome with the Jews, Egyptians, and Others

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Notes on Contributors


Ranon Katzoff

Cassovii Laudes

Schaps David M.

Ranon Katzoff: A View of Rome from Jerusalem

Cohen Nachum

Ranon Katzoff: A Student’s View

Korzakova Hava B.

Lo Ba-Shamaim Hi (It is not in Heaven): Professor Ranon Katzoff as a Teacher of Law

Ranon Katzoff - A Bibliography

When West Met East

The Editors


The Jews and Greco-Roman Thought

Price Jonathan J.

Josephus and the “Law of History”: A Note

Danzig Gabriel

Greek Philosophy and the Mishnah: On the History of Love that Does Not Depend on a Thing

Weingarten Susan

The Rabbi and the Emperors: Artichokes and Cucumbers as Symbols of Status in Talmudic Literature

The Jews and Their Own History

Ben Zeev Miriam Pucci

Philo on the Beginning of the Jewish Settlement at Rome

Meerson Michael

Illegitimate Jesus: Family Matters with “Toledot Yeshu”

The Land of Israel

Eck Werner

Die römische Armee und der Ausbau der heißen Bäder von Hammat Gader

Cohen Nahum

A Preliminary Survey of Letters in the Judaean Desert Documents

Geiger Joseph

Lawyers in Late Antique Palestin

The Jews and Greco-Roman Law and Terminology

Mélèze-Modrzejewski Joseph

Jewish Oath in Ptolemaic Egyp

Radzyner Amihai

Hoda’ot ve-Halva’ot

Dueck Daniela

The Roman Look at Foreigners

Graeco-Roman Popular Perception of Africa. The Proverbial Aspect

Binder Stéphanie E., Bar-Kochva Bezalel

A Problematic Sentence in Justin-Pompeius Trogus’ Historiae Philippicae

Jördens Andrea

Der Menschenraub im kaiserzeitlichen Ägypte

Rupprecht Hans-Albert

Τῶν Αἰγυπτίων νόμοι

Yiftach Uri

Quantifying Literacy in the Early Roman Arsinoitês: the Case of the Grapheion Document

The Modern World Looks at the Ancient West and East

Baumgarten Albert I.

The Hellenization of the East and the Orientalization of the West: The Paradox of Philo of Byblos

Maurice Lisa

Swords, Sandals and Prayer- Shawls: Depicting Jews and Romans on the Silver Screen

Index locorum

Index nominum et rerum


The Egyptians, the Greeks, the Romans, and the Jews, each with their own vibrant culture, met in antiquity, and without completely losing their national identities absorbed deep and indelible influences, which remain with their descendants and with all of us to this day. In this volume, dedicated to Ranon Katzoff, whose studies of Roman and Jewish legal antiquities have enlightened a generation, leading scholars investigate various aspects of the interaction among these four nations in antiquity, particularly on the cultural and legal plane, and something of their reflection in later times.

David M. Schaps is Professor Emeritus of Classical Studies at Bar‑Ilan University. His books include Property Rights of Women in Ancient Greece, The Invention of Coinage and the Monetization of Ancient Greece, and Handbook for Classical Research.

Uri Yiftach, Associate Professor of Classics at Tel Aviv University, is the author of Marriage and Marital Arrangements: a history of the Greek marriage document in Egypt, 4th century BCE-4th century CE (München, 2003), editor of six other books (including this one), and author of dozens of articles on Hellenistic Greek law and papyrology.

Daniela Dueck, B.A., M.A., and Ph. D. Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Associate Professor and Chair of the Department of Classical Studies at Bar-Ilan University, is the author of Strabo of Amasia: A Greek Man of Letters in Augustan Rome (London, 2005), Geography in Classical Antiquity (Cambridge, 2012) and dozens of articles on classical geography and history, and co-editor of Strabo’s Cultural Geography: The Making of a Kolossourgia (Cambridge, 2005) and of Scripta Classica Israelica.


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