Galofaro, Francesco
The paper returns on the notion of desiring machine proposed by Deleuze and Guattari in their Anti-Oedipus. Since the authors prevent us to consider the notion as a metaphor, in the first part we reflect on the technical features this abstract machine. In particular, the authors describe it as a probabilistic automaton, a Markov Chain. This feature is interest-ing if compared to the probabilistic turn in linguistics, information retrieval, and machine learning. Furthermore, the desiring machine is capable of computing on the set of real numbers, thus overwhelming the computational powers of a Turing machine. These fea-tures, and the corresponding framework on the relation between the subject and its envi-ronment seem to anticipate the future of philosophy. They suggest we can reconstruct the processes which lay beyond the passive synthesis (Husserl) without a notion of “mind”. On the other hand, a controversial trait of the Anti-Oedipus is the notion of schizophrenia in itself. We return on the steps of the transformations between different machines through a process of functionalisation, de-functionalisation, re-functionalisation, and we notice how the real distinctive trait of schizophrenic machines is individuated in the heterogeneous kind of assemblage they represent, thus avoiding to question the social addresser who has the power to distinguish normality and pathology and to catalogue human beings. The fact that the authors individuate in the schizophrenic subject the model of the revolutionary simply reiterates the distinction.
If this is balance of the Anti-Oedipus holds, the real political indication which we can see in the notion of machine is to deprogram human beings from regimes of production and life imposed by contemporary capitalism, in which technology is used to subjugate intellectual work to the Ford approach to production in terms of rhythm, and to abolish the distinction between work and domestic time and space. In this framework, the distinction between normal and pathologic human beings is functional to production and it is the real unde-clared cause of the diagnosis of schizophrenia.
Etica & Politica / Ethics & Politics
(2016) XVIII/3
EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste
Francesco Galofaro, "SCHIZOFRENIA MECCANICA. COME DE-PROGRAMMARE LE MACCHINE SOCIALI", in: "Etica & Politica / Ethics & Politics (2016) XVIII/3", Trieste, EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2016, pp. 201-220