
Recent Submissions

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  • Publication
    Studia Geobotanica. An international journal, Vol. 4 (1984)
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 1984)
      279  1158
  • Publication
    Comparison of ordinations of some apennine forest communities based on different characters and methods
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 1984)
    Feoli, Enrico
    Orloci, L.
    Scimone, M.
    In the course of numerical ordinations of Apennines woodlands, the problem arose of different performance of ordination methods, using different character sets and methods. To reveal underlying trends and relationships, 47 ordinations are jointly examinated, corresponding to combinations of 6 methods and 8 character types. The Spearman formula has been used to measure the similarity between different ordinations. The ordinations based on families are, on the average, the most similar to the other ones irrespective to the method used. The ordination based on detailed life forms (growth forms) are the least similar to the other ordinations. Ordinations based on the same character set and different methods could be different as well as ordinations based on different character sets and the same method. The suggested procedure can be the basis to select among different ordinations those explaining complementary informations.
      230  252
  • Publication
    Two examples of the use of numerical classification and ordination methods in the analysis of structure and chorology of vegetation types
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 1984)
    Blasi, Carlo
    Two examples of application of numerical classification and ordination methods to textural and chorological data of vegetation types defined with the Braun-Blanquet approach are presented.
      245  318
  • Publication
    Phytosociology, ecology and phytogeography of epiphytic lichenvegetation in the Calamone Lake area (N-Apennines, Italy)
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 1984)
    Nimis, Pier Luigi
    Six community types of epiphytic lichen vegetation are reported from the Calamone Lake area (N-Apennines). Data analysis is based on multivariate methods. The ecological interpretation of the compositional variation was based on indirect gradient analysis. Each of the communities is well characterized in floristical. ecologica! and phytogeographical terms.
      304  477
  • Publication
    Effects of sampling intensity and random noise on detection of species groups by intersection analysis
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 1984)
    Feoli, Enrico
    Mario, Lagonegro
    The efficiency of Intersection Analysis in producing species groups at different noise and sampling intensity levels has been tested on the basis of a simulated coenocline. The results suggest that lntersection Analysis is a robust method for detecting species groups and that it could be used in field surveys to find out the sampling intensity sufficient to describe the vegetation under study.
      283  260