08 - Studia Geobotanica. An international journal - Vol. 8 (1988)
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Seaward M.R.D., Giacobini C.
Lichen-induced biodeterioration of Italian monuments, frescoes and other archaeological materials
Garty J.
Some observations on the establishment of the lichen Caloplaca aurantia on concrete tiles in Israel
Deruelle S.
Effets de la pollution atmospherique sur la vegetation lichenique des monuments historiques
Gehrmann C., Krumbein W.E., Petersen K.
Lichen weathering activities on mineral and rock surfaces
Modenesi P., Lajolo L.
Microscopical investigation on a marble encrusting lichen
Garcia-Rowe J., Saiz-Jimenez C.
Colonization of mosaics by lichens: the case study of Italica (Spain)
Piervittori R., Sampò S.
Lichen colonization on stoneworks: examples from Piedmont and Aosta Valley
Nimis P.L., Monte M.
The lichen vegetation on the cathedral of Orvieto
Roccardi A., Bianchetti P.
The distribution of lichens on some stoneworks in the surroundings of Rome
Alessi P., Visintin D.
Protective agents as a possible substrate for biogenic cycles
Pallecchi P., Pinna D.
Azione delle crescita dei licheni sulla pietra nell'area archeologica di Fiesole
Nimis P.L., Zappa L.