
Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 5 of 9
  • Publication
    Studia Geobotanica. An international journal Vol. 12 (1992)
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 1992)
      249  1016
  • Publication
    Cariologia di taxa critici su suoli calaminari
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 1992)
    Lausi, Duilio
    Cusma Velari, Tiziana
    KARYOLOGY OF SOME CRITICAL TAXA ON CALAMINE SOILS (CAVE DEL PREDIL, JULIAN ALPS, ITALY). The results of chromosome counts and analyses of karyotype asimmetry on polymorphic taxa growing on calcareous and metalliferous soils and on tailings of a zinc and lead mine are reported. The investigated taxa are: Biscutella laevigata L. subsp. laevigata (2n=36); Dianthus sylvestris Wulf. (211=30); Erysimum sylvestre (Cr.) Scop. (2n=l4); Minuartia venia (L.) Hiern. (211=24); Viola tricolor L. subsp. subalpina Gaudin (211=26) and its var. raiblensis Lausi et Cusma (2n=26) of the same subspecies; Alyssum wulfenianum Bernh. (2n=16); Thlaspi cepaeifolium (Wulf.) Koch subsp. cepaeifolium (2n=14). New chromosome numbers are reported for Alyssum wulfenianum and for Thlaspi cepaeifolium in its locus classicus.
      257  437
  • Publication
    Analisi morfologiche e citotassonomiche su alcune entità di Helleborus l. sect. Helleborus nel Friuli-Venezia Giulia
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 1992)
    Coassini Lokar, Laura
    Poldini, Livio
    Martini, Fabrizio
    MORPHOLOGIC AND CYTOTAXONOMIC INVESTIGATIONS ON SOME TAXA OF HELLEBORUS SECT. HELLEBORUS IN THE FRIULI-VENEZIA GIULIA REGION (NORTHEASTERN ITALY) AND ISTRIA On the basis of morphometric, histoanatomic and cytotaxonomic analyses, the populations of Helleborus of the Trieste Karst region (North-Eastern Italy) and Istria with smaller floral diameter (4.4-4.8 cm), currently treated as H. multifidus subsp. istriacus, are here included into the H. odorus complex.
      299  520
  • Publication
    Nomenklatorische Revision der illyrischen Buchenwalder
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 1992)
    Marinček, Lojze
    Mucina, Vladislav
    Zupančič, Mitja
    Poldini, Livio
    Dak̇skobler, Igor
    Accetto, Marko
    A nomenclatural revision of the Illyrian beechwoods of Slovenia, Croatia, Southwestern Hungary, Southern part of Carinthia (Austria) and Northeastern part of Italy (Veneto and Friuli-Venezia Giulia) is presented. Some beechwoods from Bosnia and Herzegovina as well as Montenegro have also been considered. The names of the Aremonio-Fagion, 4 suballiances as well as 22 associations have been revised, nomenclatural types selected and copious synonyma assigned.
      286  545
  • Publication
    The role of Alnus glutinosa (l.) Gaertner in the secondary succession on wet meadows in the Piné High Plain (North Italy)
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 1992)
    Gafta, Dan
    Canullo, Roberto
    Four rnain successional stages in the abandoned rnowed meadows belonging to Junco Molinietum association are evidenced by means of a structural study of the colonizing tree species, and especially far the black alder. The graduai decrease in soil humidity and the forrnation of high tufts of Molinia make possible only the vegetative propagation of the black alder and the penetration of rnesophilous tree species. Under the alder wood, corresponding to the third stage of the succession, natural renovation is totally lacking. However, the abundance of maple, ash and oak seedlings preludes an evident dynamism towards an Aceri-Tilietum forest association.
      332  345