Radiocesium in plants of forest ecosystems
Nimis, Pier Luigi
This paper presents a review of the behaviour of radiocesium in plants of forest ecosystems, based on a screening of 375 articles. Particular stress is given to those factors which affect data variability in plants, such as
vertical and horizontal pattems of radioactivity in soils due to interception, resuspension, wash-off, litter fall etc. The behaviour of radiocesium in different horizons of forest soils is discussed. The paper summarizes the main uptake mechanisms in fungi, lichens, bryophytes and higher plants, and the possible use of these organisms as bioaccumulators of radioactive deposition. For higher plants, the effects of severa( factors on root uptake are considered, such as pH, organic matter and clay content of different soil horizons, the concentrations of other ions in the soil solution, rooting depths, mycorrhiza, etc. Finally, the paper includes a discussion of translocation phenomena inside plants, of seasonal variation of radionuclide concentrations, and of the expression of radiocontamination of
plant material. The expression of radiocesium concentrations on a water basis is suggested as being more appropriate than the usual expression on a dry weight basis for the solution of several radioecological problems.
Studia Geobotanica. An international journal
EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste
Pier Luigi Nimis, "Radiocesium in plants of forest ecosystems" in: "Studia Geobotanica. An international journal, Vol. 15 (1996)", EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, Trieste, 1996, pp. 3-49