20 - Studia Geobotanica. An international journal - Vol. 20 (2001)

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Pignatti Wikus Erika, Pignatti Giuseppe, Hopper Stephen D.

Mallee communities along roadsides in South-Western Australia

Salazar Carlos, Lorite Juan, García-Fuentes Antonio, Torres Juan Antonio, Cano Eusebio, Valle Francisco

A phytosociological study of the hygrophilous vegetation of Sierra Nevada

Pirone Gianfranco

Due nuove associazioni di margine stradale dell'Abruzzo

Grube Martin, Lindblom Louise, Mayrhofer Helmut

Contributions to the lichen flora of Crete: a compilation of references and some new records

Genovesi Valerio, Puntillo Domenico, Ravera Sonia

Studia lichenologica in Italia Centrale. III. Specie nuove per l'Umbria


Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 5 of 6
  • Publication
    Studia Geobotanica. An international journal, Vol. 20 (2001)
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2001)
      212  844
  • Publication
    Studia lichenologica in Italia Centrale. III. Specie nuove per l'Umbria
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2001)
    Genovesi, Valerio
    Puntillo, Domenico
    Ravera, Sonia
    STUDIA LICHENOLOGICA IN CENTRAL ITALY. III. SPECIES NEW TO UMBRIA. 31 infrageneric taxa are reported as new to the lichen flora of Umbria (Central Italy). Notes concerning their ecology and distribution are given. The new combination Phaeocalicium mildeanum (Hepp) Puntillo is proposed.
      407  393
  • Publication
    Contributions to the lichen flora of Crete: a compilation of references and some new records
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2001)
    Grube, Martin
    Lindblom, Louise
    Mayrhofer, Helmut
    An updated checklist of lichens of Crete is presented. A total of 440 taxa is reported. The checklist distinguishes 4 administrative subdivisions (prefectures) in Crete. Strong degradation of the vegetation throughout the island limits the abundance of corticolous lichens, only the woody patches in the Western part contain a number of otherwise rare oceanic species.
      368  554
  • Publication
    Due nuove associazioni di margine stradale dell'Abruzzo
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2001)
    Pirone, Gianfranco
    TWO NEW ASSOCIATIONS OF ROADSIDE VEGETATION FROM ABRUZZO (CENTRAL lTALY). This study describes the perennial nitrophilous and meso-igrophilous vegetation, occurring along the main roads of Abruzzo up to 900 m a.s.l. Two roadside phytocoenoses are described, one with Senecio inaequidens and the other with Plumbago europaea. They are attributed to two new associations of the Artemisietea vulgaris class, Artemisia absinthii-Senecionetum inaequidentis, belonging to the Dauco-Melilotion alliance (Onopordetalia acanthii arder) and Galio albi-Plumbaginetum europaeae, belonging to the Inulo viscosae-Agropyrion repentis alliance (Agropyretalia repentis arder).
      343  444
  • Publication
    A phytosociological study of the hygrophilous vegetation of Sierra Nevada
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2001)
    Salazar, Carlos
    Lorite, Juan
    García-Fuentes, Antonio
    Torres, Juan Antonio
    Cano, Eusebio
    Valle, Francisco
    A study on the vegetation related to streams and rivers of the Nevadense sector of Sierra Nevada (Southern Spain) has been carried out by detennining its main structural, floristic, ecological, chorologic and dynamic characteristics. A total of nine new syntaxa have been highlighted: four associations (Caricetum camposii-cuprinae, Ranunculo granatensis-Cochlearietum megalospermae, Cirsio micranthi-Scripetum holoschoeni, Carici camposii-Salicetum atrocinereae), two subassociations (Myrrhoidi-Alliarietum petiolatae nepetosum granatensis, Carici camposii-Salicetum atrocinereae, Salicetosum capreae), two variants (Rubo-Rosetum corymbiferae variant with Adenocarpus decorticans, Rubo-Coriarietum myrtifoliae variant with Adenocarpus decorlicans) and one community (Cratoneuron commutatum and Anagallis tenella community).
      286  282