Le popolazioni di merci e il loro futuro
Nebbia, Giorgio
The growth and decline of the amount of material goods that enter a market of limited dimensions follow “laws” similar to those ruling the growth and decline of biological populations in a limited environment. It is therefore possible, within certain limits, to forecast the tendency of the production and consumption of commodities on the basis of past trends.
The growth and decline of the amount of material goods that enter a market of limited dimensions follow “laws” similar to those ruling the growth and decline of biological populations in a limited environment. It is therefore possible, within certain limits, to forecast the tendency of the production and consumption of commodities on the basis of past trends.
Rivista di studi sul futuro
e di previsione socialeFuturibili.
Rivista di studi sul futuro
e di previsione sociale
Vol. XXII, n. 1
EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste
Giorgio Nebbia, “Le popolazioni di merci e il loro futuro”, in: “Futuribili.Rivista di studi sul futuro e di previsione sociale”, Vol. XXII, n. 1, 2017, pp. 125-149Giorgio Nebbia, “Le popolazioni di merci e il loro futuro”, in: “Futuribili.Rivista di studi sul futuro e di previsione sociale”, Vol. XXII, n. 1, 2017, pp. 125-149