Rendiconti dell’Istituto di Matematica dell’Università di Trieste: an International Journal of Mathematics vol.49 (2017)

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Drábek Pavel, Kufner Alois

Hardy inequality, compact embeddings and properties of certain eigenvalue problems

Torres Pedro J.

The prescribed mean curvature problem with Neumann boundary conditions in FLRW spacetimes

Schmitt Klaus

On the existence of nontrivial solutions of differential equations subject to linear constraints

Orsina Luigi, Ponce Augusto C.

Flat solutions of the 1-Laplacian equation

Clapp Mónica, Rizzi Matteo

Positive and nodal single-layered solutions to supercritical elliptic problems above the higher critical exponents

Benevieri Pierluigi, Calamai Alessandro, Furi Massimo, Pera Maria Patrizia

On general properties of n-th order retarded functional differential equations

Krisztin Tibor, Walther Hans-Otto

Smoothness issues in differential equations with state-dependent delay

Ponce Augusto C., Van Schaftingen Jean

Gauge-measurable functions

Ekeland Ivar

Hamilton-Jacobi on the symplectic group

Došlá Zuzana, Marini Mauro, Matucci Serena

Positive decaying solutions to BVPs with mean curvature operator

Mavinga Nsoki, Nkashama Mubenga N.

Bifurcation from infinity and multiplicity of solutions for nonlinear periodic boundary value problems

Rynne Bryan P.

Global stability, or instability, of positive equilibria of p-Laplacian boundary value problems with p-convex nonlinearities

Caicedo Francisco, Castro Alfonso, Duque Rodrigo, Sanjuán Arturo

The semilinear wave equation with non-monotone nonlinearity: a review

Franca Matteo, Johnson Russell

Remarks on nonautonomous bifurcation theory

Gurban Daniela, Jebelean Petru

Positive radial solutions for systems with mean curvature operator in Minkowski space

Margheri Alessandro, Ortega Rafael, Rebelo Carlota

On a family of Kepler problems with linear dissipation

Antón Inmaculada, López-Gómez Julián

Principal eigenvalues of weighted periodic-parabolic problems

Bonanno Gabriele

Dirichlet problems without asymptotic conditions on the nonlinear term

Sovrano Elisa, Zanolin Fabio

A periodic problem for first order differential equations with locally coercive nonlinearities

Massamba Fortuné, Ntumba Patrice P.

On sheaves of differential operators