'Royal 'epitropeia'. Remarks on Kingship and Guardianship in Macedonia and the Hellenistic Kingdoms
Buraselis, Kostas
The institution of the guardianship (epitropeia) of the infant or otherwise disabled king in Macedonia and the Hellenistic kingdoms has never been separately examined. Its description with the modern term «regency» only partly corresponds to its essence. Royal guardianship in those times presents, however, many interesting aspects pertaining to the persons exercising this function, their relation to the royal house or other social provenance, the way(s) of their selection, their own ambitions in this role and their eventual success in ascending the throne themselves. A careful study of some relevant cases may allow useful vistas into the whole problem, and, actually, the institution of Macedonian and Hellenistic kingship.
Part of
Legal Documents in Ancient Societies VI. Ancient Guardianship: Legal Incapacities in the Ancient World
EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste
Kostas Buraselis, "Royal 'epitropeia'. Remarks on Kingship and Guardianship in Macedonia and the Hellenistic Kingdoms", in "Legal Documents in Ancient Societies VI. Ancient Guardianship: Legal Incapacities in the Ancient World", Trieste, EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2017, pp. 59-74
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