Figure divine e azioni rituali nel culto di Brauron
Lippolis, Enzo
Brauron’s shrine, dedicated to the cult of Artemis, is one of the principal of the ancient world, both for its importance in the Attica region of the archaic and classical age, and for the role it has overtaken as an exemplary case study. The rites of passage for girls and young women, recalled in multiple literary sources and made concrete by the archaeological discovery of the monumental place of worship, were mainly functional to marriage. The overall examination of the documentation found in the excavations, especially as regards the votive gifts, depicts a more complex system of attendance than is evident from the ancient texts, which only refer to some particularities of the cult. Starting from the archaeological approach, therefore, it is possible to reconstruct an overall organic picture of religious praxis. Crossing these results with the information provided by the classical authors, the research conducted tries to overcome the apparent contradictions discussed by the recent bibliography, which tends to portray a reductive vision of the sanctuary's social and cult activities. The study, on the other hand, enhances the historical dimension of frequentation and transformation processes, the relationship between traditional rituals and their social function, proposing a more articulated panorama of the activities and occasions in which the place of worship has played a central role for codification and social control.
EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste
Enzo Lippolis, "Figure divine e azioni rituali nel culto di Brauron", in: Federica Fontana, Emanuela Murgia (a cura di), "Sacrum facere. Atti del IV Seminario di Archeologia del Sacro", Trieste, EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2018, pp. 49-85
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