Etica & Politica / Ethics & Politics (2018) XX/2

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Moral exemplars and exemplarism

Vaccarezza Maria Silvia, Croce Michel

Moral exemplars and exemplarism. Guest editors' preface

Vaccarezza Maria Silvia

Virtù esemplari. L’etica tommasiana tra neoplatonismo e aristotelismo

Hovda Jeremy

The Role of Exemplars in Kant’s Moral Philosophy

Alfano Mark

Nietzsche’s Polychrome Exemplarism

Bellini Bianca

Exemplars’ Sway over Untaken Possibilities of my Individuality. How Exemplariness Differs from Personal Influence and Participation in Others’ Lives

Grigoletto Simone

Following the Wrong Example: The Exclusiveness of Heroism and Sanctity

Marchetti Sarin

Two Varieties of Moral Exemplarism

Niccoli Ariele

Un riesame della teoria esemplarista delle emozioni

Croce Michel

Il potenziale educativo degli esemplari intellettuali

Ellenwood Stephan

Helping Students to Find and Frisk Good Exemplars

F. Tuninetti Luca

Teaching as an Invitation to Reasoning

Monographica II
"Civil" religion - An uneasiness of the moderns?

Leotta Simone

"Civil" religion - An uneasiness of the modernism? Guest editors' preface

Leotta Simone

La religion civile dans la modernité politique: une «logique du supplément»?

Callegaro Francesco

Le législateur et l’inconscient du peuple. Rousseau avec Durkheim

Farnesi Camellone Mauro

Thomas Hobbes e la cristianità del Leviatano. Sulla duplice funzione della sovranità

Marcucci Nicola

Lumières de la raison sociologique. Une lecture de Les formes élémentaires de la vie religieuse

Gaber Goran

Critique et Religion


Balistreri Maurizio

Nascere da una cellula del corpo. Il dibattito sulla rilevanza morale delle cellule somatiche alla luce dei nuovi scenari riproduttivi

Balzano Angela

Shared Knowledge and Affirmative Subjectivities : Re-reading Spinoza with Lloyd, Braidotti and Deleuze

Biuso Alberto Giovanni

Verso un nuovo paradigma animale

Fanciullacci Riccardo

La contingenza dello Stato, della società e della “multitudo”. Althusser di fronte a Hobbes

Fossa Fabio

Che cosa sono le etiche applicate? Tre problemi preliminari

Golubović Aleksandra, Zelić Nebojša||Pektor Leonard

Values and Upbringing: A Liberal Outlook

Marrone Pierpaolo

Roberto Mordacci su post-moderno, moderno, neo-moderno

Pérez y Soto Domínguez Alejandro, Castro Diego Alejandro||Rey Vásquez Diana

Sociedade civil: entre o Iluminismo escocês e o liberalismo

Schultz Bart

Not Eye to Eye: A Comment on the Commentaries

Tuono Marco

La morte dell’essere umano: conseguenze della prospettiva cartesiana e loro critica


Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 5 of 28
  • Publication
    La morte dell’essere umano: conseguenze della prospettiva cartesiana e loro critica
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2018)
    Tuono, Marco
    In the present article we define death as "the loss of the duality", for a human being is composed of two heterogeneous elements: the mental one and the bodily one, which are equally important according to life and death. Death, indeed, occurs when the two elements are separated. We investigate bioethical and philosophical scenarios ("brain death survivors" documented by D.A. Shewmon, and the thought experiment called "brain in a vat"). Our approach outlines the role played by the body regarding life of human being: the Cartesian perspective is indeed no longer valid.
      266  288
  • Publication
    Not Eye to Eye: A Comment on the Commentaries
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2018)
    Schultz, Bart
    A brief critical reflection on the reception of my books The Happiness Philosophers: The Lives and Works of the Great Utilitarians (Princeton, 2017) and Henry Sidgwick, Eye of the Universe (Cambridge, 2004). The clarifications and rejoinders offered are, I believe, important for understanding how these works reflect both a sympathetic, complex reconstruction of the classical utilitarian legacy and an approach to the history of philosophy prioritizing diversity and inclusion.
      199  124
  • Publication
    Sociedade civil: entre o Iluminismo escocês e o liberalismo
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2018)
    Pérez y Soto Domínguez, Alejandro
    Castro, Diego Alejandro
    Rey Vásquez, Diana
    This article demonstrates that the genesis of the concept of Civil Society, explained by social sciences as part of the Greek democracy and the consolidation of liberal democracy, in fact, it has been linked to the ideas of freedom and individual trade by the Scottish Enlightenment. We will analyze how this eighteenth-century school defines the Civil Society as the convergence of private interests of individuals who participate in productive activities in order to get material comfort, in a kind of market of the recognition, and achieve some kind of social scale reference. This approach will be presented by exploring the reflections of Adam Ferguson, Adam Smith and David Hume on the thinking of the Austrian economists Karl Menguer, Ludwig von Mises and Friedrich August von Hayek.
      284  203
  • Publication
    Roberto Mordacci su post-moderno, moderno, neo-moderno
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2018)
    Marrone, Pierpaolo
    In this article I examine the position of R. Mordacci in his book 'The neomodern condition'. While I am in substantial agreement with many of the analyzes expressed about postmodernism, I think that the target is sometime overrated. However, Mordacci's volume remains an example of a civil intervention of philosophy and an attempt to introduce it into public debate.
      275  247
  • Publication
    Values and Upbringing: A Liberal Outlook
    (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2018)
    Golubović, Aleksandra
    Zelić, Nebojša
    Pektor, Leonard
    Although there seems to be a consensus among Croatian and international education theorists alike when it comes to the issue of values being an integral part of upbringing almost to the same extent as upbringing is considered a part of education, discord ensues as soon as implementation of specific values is attempted through official curricula. There is discord when it comes to specific values, but also when teaching methods are concerned. In this paper, we will argue that this issue could be resolved by applying Rawls's theory of justice to the prevalent practices in upbringing and education, with some minor adjustments. We argue that, since the political and familial domains share three crucial characteristics, it is legitimate to expand the application of the public reason as the main principle of political domain, so as to govern both parental and educational conduct, which could in turn result in considerable changes in the ways upbringing is traditionally viewed. By analysing the main principles of Rawls's liberal theory of justice, and applying these to parental practices at home, as well as to institutionalized educational conduct by the teachers at schools, we will try to offer an outlook on the proper educational and parental conduct from the liberal perspective. In the final chapter, we will defend the idea of cosmopolitanism as the right way to go at the crossroads of deciding on the appropriate educational policies in the liberal, democratic, constitutional regimes, the kind that most of the contemporary (Western) societies, declaratively, strive to be, but often seem to fail in this endeavour. This is confirmed in the light of numerous crises we are faced with lately.
      219  199