Problemy perevoda govorjaščich imen i zaglavij literaturnych proizvedenij
Rev, Mária
The article's author considers as her starting point B. A. Uspenskij's
study The Social Life of Russian Family Names, according to which, at
various levels of civilization, the name appeared as a mark of
identification, reflecting the person's basic characteristics. Saltykov-
Shchedrin paid special attention to the names of his characters, and this
really helped determine their characterisation. The family names used by
an author always pose the most complicated problems for the translator,
and there is generally a conflict of viewpoints. According to some, it is
not important to translate family names (it being sufficient to add notes),
while others feel that the translation makes the literary work more
understandable for the reading public.
In Rezsö Honti's translation of The History of the Town of Glupov the
Hungarian names given to the governors are extremely interesting and
witty, making the Swift-sized satire, The History of a Town, easier to
read. The study also refers to the Hungarian translation of the titles of
Chekhov's short stories Fortune (or Happiness) and The Grasshopper
(or The Butterfly). In the latter case the author shows, that despite the
fact that the best Hungarian translators dealt with it, they did not
succeed in finding the Hungarian equivalent. Perhaps Rezsö Honti's
1925 translation is the most appropriate. The examples mentioned prove
how much responsibility rests with the translator, how much knowledge,
ability and ingenuity is required of him.
Slavica Tergestina
Università degli Studi di Trieste - Scuola Superiore di Lingue Moderne per Interpreti e Traduttori