Les lieux de trouvaille syriens de fulus d'al-Baṣra de 136H et les raisons de leurs importations
Alchomari, Alaa Aldin
The aim of the study is to investigate the presence of a relatively large number of copper fulūs struck in al-Baṣra in the year 136H. (only this one year, while earlier dates of the same issue are not found) among the excavation coins from al-Ruṣāfa and certain sites along the al-Khābūr river in Syria. Lutz Ilisch had discussed the phenomenon briefly in 1996. The present study adds more historical information and new sites of such finds, which strengthen new theories. The relations between the conflict of the Abbasid counter caliph Abdullah b. ‘Alī with Abū Muslim on one side and the import of these fulūs on the other side, is discussed on the assumption that normally such fulūs would have been without value outside of their original area of issue and circulation.
EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste
Alaa Aldin Alchomari, “Les lieux de trouvaille syriens de fulus d'al-Baṣra de 136H et les raisons de leurs importations” in: Bruno Callegher and Arianna D’Ottone Rambach (Edited by), “5th Simone Assemani Symposium on Islamic coins. Rome, 29-30 September 2017”, EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste,Trieste, 2018, pp. 71-81