Classici latini e greci in redazione friulana. Esempi e sondaggi
Pellegrini, Rienzo
The translation into Friulian is a conspicuous activity, but not uniform, and even scattered in time and space, with extra episodes for the quality of writing, with significant achievements for the ideological underlying and the role assigned to language. Review and analysis of examples of translation in Friulian language of passages taken from Greek and Latin classics: the prose of Giovan Battista Donato (1534-1604), Quanti saluti che fa un i e tre o, twisted to Latine maximum translated in Friulian; Giovan Giuseppe Bosizio (1660-1743) translates Georgics and Aeneid; V.G.Blanch, alias Luigi Rodaro (1859-1932), offers translations from Latin (from Tibullus, Horace, and Ovid) in Friulian language, Pierpaolo Pasolini: for him, the Friulan is a ‘virtual language' and the antithesis of language and dialect suddenly finds its foundation in literary consciousness. In this context the role of translations is of paramount value and interest: it is demonstration of virtuosity, sometimes a provocative one, with superb assimilations, as shown by the Pasolini’s essay of translation from Sappho. Finally Alessandro Carrozzo with Lirics grêcs and Pierluigi Visintin with Batracomiomachie and Flabis di Esopo, in addition to several satires of Horace: both point to a total linguistic self-sufficiency, with the necessary acquisitions (borrowings and neologisms) to uncovered areas.
Polymnia: Studi di filologia classica
EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste