ExPerO. A model to evaluate the quality of the learning outcome in Higher Technical Education courses based on stakeholders' expectations and perceptions
Cervai, Sara
ExPerO project was born in 2005 from an headmaster and two researchers in Work and Organizational Psychology. The project was developed thanks to Leonardo da Vinci funds and the cooperation of Research Partners and Schools from five countries (Italy, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Slovenia, Spain). The main results state in a theoretical model and a series of survey tools aimed to analyze and to improve the learning outcome of vocational courses. The project is tailored, mainly in its application, on HTE courses (Higher Technical Education), but it is also indicated for the wider vocational education (VET).
EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste
Cervai, Sara (edited by), "ExPerO. A model to evaluate the quality of the learning outcome in Higher Technical Education courses based on stakeholders' expectations and perceptions", Trieste, EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2007, pp. 151.