Dalla via Appia alla città policentrica: Caserta e il suo territorio
Ronza, Maria
For southern Italy, the Appian Way has not only been a vital connecting artery but also a factor of
territorial cohesion. Since Roman times, the Regina viarum has contributed to the formation and
gradual consolidation of urban centres in the Campanian Plain. These centres did not lose their
individual identities: instead, they began to develop their own specific roles and these complemented
each other to such an extent that they appeared to the outside as a coherent, integrated whole.
The study sets out to explain how the interaction between these centres cannot be seen as a shortterm
process. In spite of the environmental crises and organizational difficulties, the roots of what
it is on its way to becoming – a polycentric city - are to be found in the Appian Way.
The Appian Way is the cornerstone and the backbone of this structure, the site and symbol of an
ongoing process, of a constant striving towards an urban model which is better balanced and more
respectful of communities, of cultural heritage, and of expectations for the future.
Studi monografici / Associazione Italiana di Cartografia
EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste
Maria Ronza, "Dalla via Appia alla città policentrica: Caserta e il suo territorio", Trieste, EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2019, pp. 164; ill.
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