Tecnica e antropogenesi tra organologia e istituzionalità
Cera, Agostino
My paper focuses on two topics emerging from the third chapter of Carmine Di Martino’s Viventi
umani e non umani. Tecnica, linguaggio e memoria. The first topic deals with the possibility of
a (re)encouter between philosophical anthropology (Paul Alsberg) and philosophy of technology
(Ernst Kapp) at their beginning. Such a (re)encounter is conceived of as a countermovement with
regard to the current ‘ontic drift’ within these two disciplines. The second topic has to do with
the meaning and the function of the culture/technology in a philosophical-anthropological perspective.
Between the two alternatives represented by André Leroi-Gourhan and Arnold Gehlen,
my paper highlights Gehlen’s institutional approach, that is the idea of the institutions as a balance
against the potential risk of a ‘cultural Überentlastung’ (over-relief).My paper focuses on two topics emerging from the third chapter of Carmine Di Martino’s Viventi
umani e non umani. Tecnica, linguaggio e memoria. The first topic deals with the possibility of
a (re)encouter between philosophical anthropology (Paul Alsberg) and philosophy of technology
(Ernst Kapp) at their beginning. Such a (re)encounter is conceived of as a countermovement with
regard to the current ‘ontic drift’ within these two disciplines. The second topic has to do with
the meaning and the function of the culture/technology in a philosophical-anthropological perspective.
Between the two alternatives represented by André Leroi-Gourhan and Arnold Gehlen,
my paper highlights Gehlen’s institutional approach, that is the idea of the institutions as a balance
against the potential risk of a ‘cultural Überentlastung’ (over-relief).
EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste
Agostino Cera, "Tecnica e antropogenesi tra organologia e istituzionalità", in "Etica & Politica / Ethics & Politics (2019) XXI/2", Trieste, EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2019, pp. 227-235
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