Pensare filosoficamente le trasformazioni. Provando a rispondere di un testo
Di Martino, Carmine
What to say, what standpoint to take in front of the technical “feasibility” (Machbarkeit) that
has human beings as its proper object? We don’t do anything alien to our “nature” both when
we are exposed to the action of technology, and when we impose a restriction or a limit (and
not only them) on it. If so, what is the task of thought in this age of technical “feasibility”, an age
when the possibility to do runs the risk of becoming an injunction to do, an obligation without
objection?What to say, what standpoint to take in front of the technical “feasibility” (Machbarkeit) that
has human beings as its proper object? We don’t do anything alien to our “nature” both when
we are exposed to the action of technology, and when we impose a restriction or a limit (and
not only them) on it. If so, what is the task of thought in this age of technical “feasibility”, an age
when the possibility to do runs the risk of becoming an injunction to do, an obligation without
EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste
Carmine Di Martino, "Pensare filosoficamente le trasformazioni. Provando a rispondere di un testo", in "Etica & Politica / Ethics & Politics (2019) XXI/2", Trieste, EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2019, pp. 297-323
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