I connettivi condizionali complessi nei testi normativi spagnoli
Garofalo, Giovanni
The higher degree of morphosyntactical complexity that “Complex Conditional
Connectors” (CCC) show in comparison with “if clauses” is due to the higher
specificity of the syntactical functions which they perform. In fact, the high CCC
frequency in specialised genres, such as legal or bureaucratic texts, is related to
their expression of “necessary and sufficient condition”.
Starting from the taxonomies suggested by Montolío (1991, 1999) and
Venuti (2000) and from the analysis of two homogeneous corpora, this paper
analyses the typology of CCC used in Spanish and Italian Criminal Legislation.
The observation of typical contexts of occurrence reveals that the semantic
traits of each CCC determine its appropriateness conditions and justifies its
possible absence in the textual genre of reference. The conventions of Spanish
and Italian legislative genre favour the occurrence of CCCs which are neutral
towards the epistemic status of the statement (p) and which rigorously express
the point of view of the institutional norm – hence avoiding exposing the
writer’s attitude. Contrastive analysis of both corpora also shows that a
different “coercive force” in Spanish and Italian may be associated to identical
signifiers, for example “a condizione che” and “a condición de que”.
Rivista internazionale di tecnica della traduzione / International Journal of Translation
EUT - Edizioni Università di Trieste