El doblaje en España: anglicismos frecuentes en la traducción de textos audiovisuales
Chaume Varela, Frederic
García de Toro, Cristina
This article presents a series of frequent English loans (Anglicisms) in Spanish
translated audiovisual texts. These loans enter the target language through the
media, especially translated film, and are being increasingly used by younger
generations. The article begins with a description of the specifcity of
audiovisual texts, and contains an explanation of the professional process of
dubbing, which can help understand why it is possible to find so many
Anglicisms in audiovisual translated texts. The study focuses on the case of
Spain, contextualising the reasons why Anglicisms are used, then proceeds to
explain what we understand by Anglicisms and, fìnally, offers a classification of
loans according to the examples found in the corpus, i.e. the film “Pulp Fiction”, a
paradigrnatic case of audiovisual translation, where one can find a great
number of Anglicisms (in the dubbed version into Spanish). The film is also
paradigmatic because of its huge influente on younger generations in Spain, as
far as vocabulary and set expressions are concerned.
Rivista internazionale di tecnica della traduzione / International Journal of Translation
EUT - Edizioni Università di Trieste