Herding and farming symbiosis: a dialogic exercise on the manifestation of a universal toposin Sumerian and Roman primary cultures
da Silva Ferreira, Nelson Henrique
At a microeconomic level, the ancient inhabitants of southern Mesopotamia and regions of the Italic peninsula gained their sustenance from a combination of rain-fed cereal cultivation and herding. These already highly connected activities would inevitably, for many practical and cultural reasons, have profound repercussions on the construction of abstract thinking and on the conception of abstract vocabulary in a transversal cultural matrix. Such cultural compositions would come about by similar linguistic mechanisms, independently of the cultural context and time span, for the practical experience together with natural phenomena and rural life would be the source for these primary constructions.
In that sense, in this paper I speculate on the relationship between the signs of these two complementary activities and their imaged representation as a source for abstract meaning in the collective mind. By approaching a kind of archaeology of traditional thought, I intend to establish a dialogic analysis between the data from two unrelated sociolinguistic cultures, in order to identify a transversal mode of constructing meaning upon similar compounded images of daily life.
EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste
Nelson Henrique da Silva Ferreira, "Herding and farming symbiosis: a dialogic exercise on the manifestation of a universal toposin Sumerian and Roman primary cultures", in: Marco Iamoni (Edited by), "From the Prehistory of Upper Mesopotamia to the Bronze and Iron Age Societies of the Levant. Volume 1. Proceedings of the 5th “Broadening Horizons” Conference (Udine 5-8 June 2017)", Trieste, EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2020, pp. 145-158
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