Francesco Berto, L'esistenza non è logica. Dal quadrato rotondo ai mondi impossibili, Laterza, Roma-Bari, 2010, pp. 310
Vaselli, Stefano
According W. V. O Quine, there are two famous aphorisms or capital maxims - maybe it could be more correct to define them, with hegelian style, "panlogisms" - derivable from an attentive analysis of his famous problem "On what there is" - both settled on the Parmenis' intuition in virtue of which "All is Being" or "The Being is the Identical": « To be is being the value of a variable» and «No entity without identity». These words summarize, using Francesco Berto introducing words of his «L'Esistenza non è logica; dai quadrati rotondi ai mondi impossibili», the so-called "Received View" about being conceived as something that cannot be (considered) as a logical property inter alia. But the parmenidean-eleatic received view of Quine and others (see the classical criticism against Meinong from B. Russell, or P. Van Inwangen, W. Lycan) is really philosophically satisfactory? All Francesco Berto's book consists in to furnish an absolutely negative answer to the latter question; and this negative question is in turn respectively articulated in two philosophical proposals: a "pars destruens" where, all the parmenidean, russellian, guinean received view's criticisms, limits, metaphysical and logical deficits are stressed, highlighted and stigmatized; and a pars costruendo, in which the author exposes four types of meinonghian "being-as-a-property" theory, openly showing his preference for the last and four theory. In the same words of Berto: «In my view, parmenidean thesis, is wrong [...], and showing, in this book, that opposite view is handsome and useful is for myself more interesting that to criticize received view».
EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste
Stefano Vaselli, "Francesco Berto, L'esistenza non è logica. Dal quadrato rotondo ai mondi impossibili, Laterza, Roma-Bari, 2010, pp. 310", in "APhEx 3", 2011, pp. 18