I fattori di verità
Caputo, Stefano
Is there any entity in virtue of which the proposition that Aphex is an on-line philosophical Review is true? Entities of this kind, if any, have been called “Truth-makers”: truth-makers are those entities that make propositions true. The debate on truth-makers has been one of the focuses of the philosophical discussion in the last twenty years: notions such as truth-maker and making-true seemed in fact to be able on the one hand to build a bridge among different branches of philosophy, such as the theory of truth, ontology and metaphysics, and, on the other hand, to bring new life to the time-honoured, but by the time out of fashion, correspondence theory of truth. In what follows the principal lines of the debate on truth-makers and truth-making will be highlighted. The debate has focused on two main questions: 1) what is the content of the very notion of “making true”? That is to say: what is truth-making? 2) Are there truth-makers? What kind of arguments can be provided in favour of the existence of entities of such kind?
EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste
Stefano Caputo, "I fattori di verità", in "APhEx 4", 2011, pp. 33