May ’68 and the Emergence of écriture féminine: The French Centre and the Slovenian Periphery
Maj ’68 i nastanak écriture féminine: Francuska i Slovenija – centar i periferija
Balžalorsky Antić, Varja
This article discusses the relation between second-wave feminism and Slovenian literature, focusing on the poetics of female authors. It begins by addressing the relations between the 1968 student movement and the struggle for women’s emancipation, particularly the literary and theoretical innovations of women in France with an emphasis on the symbolic position claimed by the authors around the écriture féminine circle. After presenting the second wave of the women’s movement in Slovenia, the article sketches out the Slovenian reception of écriture féminine and sets up the framework for a further exploration of the emergence of écriture féminine among poets in the period 1964–1980. During that period, there was no Slovenian equivalent of écriture féminine. However, as écriture féminine was emerging in France, some emancipatory stirrings in Slovenian poetry were felt, particularly in the work of two female poets of an earlier generationand one author who had participated in the student movement.
Članak proučava odnos drugog talasa feminizma i književnog sistema s fokusom na pesničke prakse autorki. U prvom delu analizira se relacija koja se uspostavlja između studentskog pokreta ’68, borbe za emancipaciju žena i književnih i teorijskih inovacija u Francuskoj s naglaskom na simboličku poziciju za koju su se izborile autorke kruga écriture féminine. Nakon predstavljanja drugog talasa ženskog pokreta u Sloveniji, daje se skica recepcije francuskh teoretičarki, kao i okvir za buduće proučavanje ženskog pisma u slovenačkoj poeziji u periodu 1964–1980. Tokom analize dolazi se do zaključka da u slovenačkom književnom sistemu nije moguće govoriti o écriture féminine kao o posebnom pokretu ili književnom toku, ni kada je reč o književnom stvaralaštvu ovog perioda uopšte, ni unutar podsistema poezije, što ne znači da nije bilo pojedinačnih slučajeva, odnosno, glasova snažnog emancipatornog potencijala i nesumnjive umetničke vrednosti koji su se javili istovremeno s francuskim pokretom.
EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste
Varja Balžalorsky Antić, "May ’68 and the Emergence of écriture féminine: The French Centre and the Slovenian Periphery" in: "Slavica Tergestina 24 (2020/I)", EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, Trieste, 2020, pp. 131-159
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